
Debate Info

No (Sitara). Yes (Flewk).
Debate Score:56
Total Votes:72
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 No (Sitara). (24)
 Yes (Flewk). (21)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Does epigenetics prove that life begins at birth?

This is a serious inquery.

No (Sitara).

Side Score: 31

Yes (Flewk).

Side Score: 25
3 points

It really depends on how you define life.

Your DNA is basically an encyclopedia that contains a lot of stuff, including the blueprint to build your ancestors. Epigenetics is the process by which organisms sift through that information and use it for life.

It takes a lot of sifting to go from a single cell to a 7 lb baby with complete organ systems. In fact, one wrong step could lead to severe deformation, congenital defect, or even deaths.

This article summarizes a study that suggests a cesarean section might result in altered gene expression which could lead to long term effects.



Side: No (Sitara).
Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I define life as when the baby is genetically separate from both parents.

Side: No (Sitara).
flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

That depends on what you mean by genetically separate. Every cell in your body contains the same DNA, but have different structure, function, size, shape, lifespan, etc. because of epigenetics. They could be considered separate organisms if you define the human body as a colony.

Side: No (Sitara).
DKCairns(868) Disputed
1 point

Think you are getting your terminology a tad mixed up.

You cannot separate a child "genetically" from their mother because they share the same gene pool.

However a child is "physically" separated from its mother when it is born.

That is when life begins to become an independent human animal.

Side: Yes (Flewk).
1 point

I define life as any organic organism capable of performing the metabolic process.

Side: No (Sitara).
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

So pro-life would mean people couldn't pull weeds, or take antibiotics, etc., right?

Side: No (Sitara).
1 point

Why wouldn't pro-life people pull weeds or take antibiotics?

Side: No (Sitara).
1 point

Even if that is true, that is not necessarily what counts as human life. A stage where you are no more sentient than a jellyfish does not qualify as part of a human life.

Side: Yes (Flewk).
1 point

What kind of far right winger doesn't define life at conception?

Side: Yes (Flewk).
3 points

Life begins when we take our first breath until then we are just a bunch of cells, genes and DNA waiting for life to begin.

Without oxygen in our lungs the whole process of life beginning is non-existent.

Side: Yes (Flewk).
1 point

Why is oxygen necessary? If a person has a fully functional body and mind and blood pumping through their veins, are they not alive? If you are temporarily deprived of breath, are you temporarily dead?

Side: No (Sitara).
DKCairns(868) Disputed
1 point

A baby cannot survive indefinitely in the uterus

It has to be born when it is term

When it is born it needs oxygen

Without oxygen no matter how functional the structure the brain will start to die

Permanent brain damage can occur after 4 minutes

Death can occur in 4-6 minutes

End of story.

Side: Yes (Flewk).
1 point


Side: Yes (Flewk).