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Debate Score:94
Total Votes:121
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TheEccentric(3381) pic

Does the fact that Athiests have higher IQs and education show Atheism is more logical?

Does the fact that Atheists on average are more intelligent and educated show that Atheism is more logical than Theism?


Side Score: 40


Side Score: 54
2 points

Yes, the fact that Atheists have higher IQs and education show Atheism is more logical.

Side: Yes

The reason why Atheists generally are more educated and intelligent is because they are intelligent enough to accept existence without a God to explain it and they don't require faith to cop out of reality.

Also the religious are taught to blindly believe not think for themselves.

Side: Yes
KEdowen2(11) Disputed Banned
1 point

This is what Christians think of atheist and it is very true that atheist are self-righteous hypocrities.

Atheism in a nutshell
Side: No
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

really pathetic that you need to resort to multiple accounts.

Side: Yes
1 point

The reason why Christians think this of atheists is because they are ignorant and deluded and don't know what it is like to be some one with a decent set of brain cells who actually has the logic to question the existence of the sky daddy

Side: Yes

Religion thrives wherever there is ignorance, poverty and human frailty (prison, the third world, the Deep South, rehab). You can draw your own conclusions...I'm just sayin.

Side: Yes
1 point

AuntieChrist how we are not Alli's on this is site yet is beyond me, I pretty much agree with just about every post you have posted.

But yeah man you hit the nail on the head, people that are more susceptible to religious dogma tend to be consumed by ignorance, however that does not mean one can't learn and evolve, some are just misguided due to upbringing, social pressures and lack of opportunity in finding truth, but sadly there are those that no matter what you say,show or debunk , it will not shake there religious convictions.

People of that sort I tend to wonder if they are even capable of even seeing the world and all it's wonders though the eyes of logical reasoning, so maybe lower IQ is the problem.

Side: Yes
ewkdwj(2) Disputed Banned
1 point

this is what atheism is like to Christians...........................

Atheists in a nutshell.........
Side: No
KEdowen2(11) Disputed Banned
1 point

Why you atheist have so much self-rightous pride in you is beyond me

Atheism in a nutshell
Side: No
1 point

You judgemental "I'm so holy and perfect" Christians are the only ones with self-righteous pride.

Side: Yes
Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

This is a parody of the community .

Side: Yes

Don't be a "I am smarter then you" dick! There are smart theists and there are dumb atheists in this world.

Side: No
3 points

And vise versa... I dig it and I agree JCG.

Side: No
1 point

But on average Atheists have higher IQ.

Side: Yes
Gloria(135) Disputed
2 points

Absolutely, there are smart theists and dumb atheists, but we're talking about atheists and theists in general - as in making a statistic, not about individuals that stand out.

Side: Yes
Intangible(4934) Disputed
2 points

"I am smarter then you" dick!

I am smarter than you, dick!

Side: Yes
Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Just 'cause your smarter then me doesn't mean your not a complete dumbass!!!



Side: Yes
1 point

I nether said I as an individual am more intelligent than theists I said that Atheists on average are more intelligent than Theists on average and that is a fact.

Side: Yes
2 points

My mom, who is in Mensa, and has a master's in psychology, meaning that she is qualified to answer questions about the IQ test, has repeatedly confirmed that it leans greatly towards leftern secularism.

Moreover, Paul establishes that the world does not understand the things of the Spirit, and those in it believe themselves to be wise, though they are not.

Continued, as the ontological argument has repeatedly shown, God is a belief-properly-co-called, which means that it cannot be anything other than a belief, in of itself: it can neither be proven nor disproven. What I mean by this is that one must either dispositionally believe (not necessarily occurently) in "God" or in "not God."

Finally, education, as many people have pointed out over the years, actually "hegemonizes" people. People have to meet up to certain criteria to finish a degree, which does not infer a higher intelligence.

Side: No
3 points

Holy shit man, I think this is the first time I have to agree with you man lol, point well made.

Side: No

There is a verse in the bible that goes something like "Thing they where wise they became fools.

By the way I took an IQ test and scored 109 which isn't bad for a 14 year old.

Side: No
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
3 points

By the way I took an IQ test and scored 109 which isn't bad for a 14 year old.

IQ tests are appropriated for age, which means that if you if you think like a 10 year old as a 10 year old, you will score a 100. If you think like a 10 year old when you are 20, you fall way below a 100 (and vice versa).

If you got 109 as a 14 year old then it just means that you are 9 points above the average which is 100. IQ is a normal distribution. It has a particular shape called the bell curve, you might have seen it before. It basically means that if you score a 100, 50% percent of all people have a lower IQ then you. If you score 109, about 75% of all people score a lower IQ then you, if you score 150 then 99.9...% of all people score a lower IQ then you.

You can also calculate the rarity of an IQ. For your case, your rarity with 109 points is 1:3.64... Which means that for every 7 persons, two will be in your range. That is, for every seven person you meet, two will be as clever as you or more.

Didn't mean to dispute you, sorry by that.

Side: Yes
1 point

Thats Romans 1:22 - "Claiming to be wise, they became fools, (23) and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things."

Side: No
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Attempting to use a source to prove its own validity is an entirely asinine pursuit. Religion is necessarily reliant upon unquestioning obedience; doubt and uncertainty are anathema to faith. It should come as no surprise, then, that the Bible says that it cannot be criticized by reason and that anyone who says it is incorrect is an idiot. It is an internal convenience constructed by the faith to sustain the faith; it has no basis in reality nor external rational or proof to support it.

Any belief, theistic or otherwise, can absolutely be proved or disproved. Some people used to believe the Earth is flat. That belief was disproved. Some people used to believe that the Earth is round. That belief was proved. The thing about the belief in God is not that it cannot be proved or disproved, but that believers in God frequently refuse to test their belief with reason and science.

It is furthermore entirely possible for someone to hold a thought or belief outside of your dichotomous "God exists" and "God does not exist" assertion. It is called agnosticism or soft atheism, and the stance is thusly: that the existence of God cannot be known at this time.

With respect to education you could not be more incorrect. Indoctrination is a different matter entirely, of course. While quite frequently indoctrination attempts to pass itself off as education in higher education and other institutions such as churches, it is quite a simple matter to discern the difference if one actually applies themselves to the task. While higher education does not immediately equate to higher intelligence it likewise does not immediately equate to indoctrination.

Side: Yes
2 points

IQ is a fairly meaningless standard, and at any rate someone having higher IQ and also thinking something is logical does not make the thing logical. It just means that you have a person with higher IQ thinking something is logical. That may increase the probability that that thing is more logical than alternatives, but it does not mean it actually is. The only way to prove that atheism is more logical than theism is to debate the merits of each relative to one another on their own grounds. Since that is entirely possible and actually quite simple, I hardly see the point of this tract of thought.

Side: No

Not at all. Nothing in that statement adheres to logic, and many things can factor into that data. Certainly, there is a correlation, but that in and of itself doesn't speak anything regarding how logical or illogical atheism is.

Atheists having a higher IQ could be caused by more (and better) education.

Atheists having more (and better) education could be caused by having a higher IQ.

Atheism could be correlated strongly with higher education due to the anti-religious bias present in most higher education.

Atheists could score higher on IQ tests as well as standardized tests and school applications due to the material favoring those backgrounds that are predominately (or significantly) atheist.

IQ factors genetics, experience/learning, and some other things as well.

Higher education factors scholastic accomplishment and financial support.

Does the fact that white Americans tend towards higher IQs and more education than American minorities show that racism is logical? I say not, for the same reasons.

Which isn't to say that atheism is not a logical perspective (it is) but there are far too many inter and codependent factors at play with all of the variables involved to use this line as any kind of proof.

Side: No
2 points

More logical? No.

More rational? Yes .

Side: No
KEdowen(12) Banned
1 point

Atheist are self-righteous bigots ..........................................................

Side: No
1 point

Clearly the only self-righteous one is you with your snobby homophobic holier than thou attitude.

And I'm pretty sure almost every one here thinks you are a bigot.

Side: Yes

Atheism is the disbelief of a god. Therefore, spiritually they believe in nothing.

Theism is the belief in a Supreme Being or Beings.

These words are used to describe a general group.

I'm sure that not all atheists or theists have been accounted for when posting the results stated in this topic.

Albert Einstein was a theist.

Everyone has more knowledge than the next. It might not be in the same thing, but one person is smarter than the other.

Like let's say a man has more knowledge in cars than his wife does that mean that he is smarter than is wife? Absolutely not.

Side: No
1 point

You can not base the intelligence of a group of people of one person alone you have to work out the average and this is considering when Einstein was born and raised (1800's) theism was much more popular. If he were born a 100 years later and were alive now it would have been much more likely he would have been Atheist or at least Agnostic.

Side: Yes

First of all, do you have any proof for that atheist actually have a higher IQ than christians?

IQ is a terrible way to judge people's intelligence. Your intelligence is divided into 7 groups, and IQ only tests one of them, two tops. IQ has barely anything to do with you intelligence. It's just for people who are good at math to get a self-esteem boost, and people who are not that great at math to get the exact opposite.

Side: No

The reason atheists CANNOT admit that there's a teeny, tiny, possibility that they could be wrong about evolution.
Side: No

Regardless of demographics pertaining to IQ and education atheism will usually be more logical than theism.

Side: No
1 point

Does the fact that Atheists on average are more intelligent and educated show that Atheism is more logical than Theism?

They are not--many atheists are SJWs and pseudo-science fan-boys/girls.

Neither group (religious v non-religious) is inherently more intelligent.

Side: No
1 point

Neither group (religious v non-religious) is inherently more intelligent.

Perhaps, but intelligence has a big brother called reason. If someone believes in people rising from the dead and invisible space fairies they have lost the ability to reason.

Side: Yes