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 God gives Christians the wisdom to admit our own sins. Non believers refuse to do so. (4)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

God gives Christians the wisdom to admit our own sins. Non believers refuse to do so.

One of the big differences I see between Christians and non believers is when it comes to the honesty of admitting our own personal sins, irresponsibilities, shortcomings, etc.

It's truly amazing the insecurity of those not willing to admit their faults. When debating non Christians on this site, I've noticed how they will ignore and deny the undeniable, just so they can hold onto the lie of how non Christians can be good people without God.

So when Christians give them example after exampe of their irresponsible lifestlyes and sins, they refuse to admit these behaviors are sins.

I've created debates asking Atheists if certain behaviors are sins, such as...

Is it a sin to have one night hook ups, taking chances of pregnancy with complete strangers?

Is it a sin to abandon the children you have created, leaving them for tax payers to support?

Is it a sin to abort even viable late term babies for any reason? If so why would you elect those that support it?

Is it a sin to take illegal drugs and taking a chance of getting addicted?

Is it a sin to abuse alcohol and taking a chance to become an alcoholic?

Is it a sin to drink too much, knowing you will have to still drive home?

Is it a sin to live promiscuous lives taking a chance of spreading Aids?

Their answers are seldom, yes it is a sin.
No, their answers usually revolves around the no fault anything goes mentality whereby we just need bigger Government to deal with all these "mistakes" people keep making.

Do you see how they answer? These behaviors are not conscious sin, but rather "mistakes". We all make mistakes correct?

The last I knew... 4+4=9. Thats a mistake!

Deliberately choosing to have sex with a complete stranger, or taking illegal drugs, etc. is an irresponsble choice and sin.

Ask yourself why you simply can not admit the obvious. The answer is because admitting the obvious gives credence to God and the truth in his words. Your insecurities will not allow it. Just as with alcoholics, the first step is ADMIITING YOU AVE A PROBLEM!

Until you are willing to admit your sins, there will never be an answer for all the problems in society. Without God, that type of secure honesty will never happen.
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Now we will hear from all the anti Christian bigots telling you how Christians are no better than they are when it comes to admitting sin.

1 point

You don’t think that all healthy adults, regardless of religion, attempt to take measure to recognize and rectify moral failings? Is “I’m sorry” a Christian phrase?

If someone fails to recognize theft as a immoral, and they steal, is their problem one of failing to admit, or failing to recognize? Doesn’t it make a difference?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Thanks for your civil and inteligent response.

I have many times asked myself the question you pose.... are those on the Left purely deceptive for denying their obvious support and denial of particular sins, or are they totally blind to it?

If a person through years of conditioning becomes blind to sin, and society no longer recognizes it as being wrong, is he less culpable for supporting it? I believe that is the basis to your question.

Here is a site with some Biblical insite to your question...

Here are some words from this site dealing with our discussion...

"So, the picture here, I think, is not of a born again, redeemed people who are enabled to walk in a way pleasing to the Lord by the Holy Spirit, but of the Gentile world in general who have enough knowledge of the moral law of God in their hearts by virtue of being created in God’s image so that their consciences are conflicted: sometimes approving, sometimes disapproving."

“Every human being in the world has an inborn knowledge of God and his law.”

So according to scripture, unbelievers have no excuse for how they choose to live.

Now to answer your question for non believers without biblical references, I would say this...

I think that every civilization on this planet understands through common knowledge how sins such as stealing is wrong, but lets take the notion of (not recognizing the sin) and apply it to the Left in America.

If the Democrat Party lived in a vacuum, and never heard the many many arguments from the Right about the right of life for our unborn babies, then maybe you could make some kind of excuse based on ignorance.

This is not the case in most civilized nations. We have heard a thousand times of the irresponsible lifestlyes creating so many broken homes, uwed mothers on welfare, fatherless children, drug addiction, alcoholism, drunk driving, stealing, abortion, spread of Aids, etc. etc.

There is no way people could ever use the excuse of ignorance and of not recognizing the results of their sins. The proof is all around us.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

We have heard a thousand times of the irresponsible lifestlyes creating so many broken homes, uwed mothers on welfare, fatherless children, drug addiction, alcoholism, drunk driving, stealing, abortion, spread of Aids, etc. etc

Here is a good example of an appeal to secular reasoning for your moral positions. If you want to reach non-religious people, you’ll have to reason from common premises, otherwise you’ll find no common ground. Referring to negative consequences rather than biblical edicts is more likely to reach more people. But consider that biblical edicts tend to loose context. Drinking and driving is immoral because of the risk to others sharing the road. That means it isn’t immoral all by itself. I wouldn’t be indignant at a drunk driver out on the salt flats 100 miles from anyone.

Now consider abortion. Most pro-choice people believe it is wrong to kill a human, but that up to a point, a fetus is little different from a cyst. Thus they feel more adherence to a different moral principle; freedom. If you want to fight abortion, you cannot appeal to the Bible, you have to appeal to common moral premises. This doesn’t mean accusing people of murder for removing what they think is a cyst, it means convincing them that it is not a cyst.

Above all, try not to attribute malice to your opponents intentions unless there is little or no other conclusion. If I actually am, or you think I am opporating with I’ll-intentions, you will not be able to convince me of anything, though if you are wrong you may lose the 3rd party onlooker.

I apologize for providing unsought advice. But I hope it’s worth something.

0 points

Oh, boy. Here we go.

I don't personally have one night stands, because I'm married monogamously. That said, do I think one night stands are not a "sin". Why? because it's between consenting adults in a free society and it's none of my fucking business. You want to call me delusional for that? Fuck you. I'm not the one who's claiming a moral high ground over a bedtime story. Here's a little thought experiment for you: Let's say I'm right, and your god is fictional. Are you going to start murdering and raping your way to your selfish goals, now that you're no longer afraid of punishment from some cosmic daddy figure? I should hope not. If so, you're an asshole, and if not, then your morality comes from elsewhere. Now we might have a difference of opinion on the morality of these subjects, but that's it. Two humans and their difference of opinion. It's a debate site, that happens. So grow the 'wisdom to admit your own sins' and get off of your fucking high horse.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You do what all anti God bigots do. You try to claim that Christians want to tell you how to live. COMPLETE LIE!

What we are doing is shining a light on your irresponsible lifestyles that are creating most of our broken homes and costing America BIILIONS OF DOLLARS.

When people sleep around, get pregnant and then expect tax payers to support their kids, then you MAKE IT MY BUSINESS.

The morality of non christians has no problem supportig the killing of even healthy viable unborn babies when voting for politicians who keep it legal.


For all your vulgar hate towards Christians, you have now made my ban list.