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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:17
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Metroid(73) pic

Growing number of states pushing ‘Bible literacy’ classes in public schools

Growing number of states pushing ‘Bible literacy’ classes in public schools


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 5
2 points

Growing number of states pushing ‘Bible literacy’ classes in public schools

Hello m:

I support it.

But, I dunno what "Bible literacy" IS.. If it's learning ABOUT the Bible - fine.. If it's getting PREACHED to - NOT fine.. Truth is, children should LEARN about the Bible.... But, PREACHING isn't TEACHING..

During my last year of religious school, my class attended a DIFFERNT religious service every Sunday.. We went to a Catholic church, a Shinto temple, a Holy Roller service, and an Evangelical church where they spoke in tongues. That WASN'T done to convert us.. It was done to EDUCATE us.

I don't think Christians are allowed to do that.. Shame..


Side: Yes
1 point

Those believers in the Christian faith feel it their duty to spread the message of the only one true religion.

Those who hear the gospel have a choice to accept it's teachings or continue on their path to damnation through atheism or by worshipping FALSE GODS.

Retribution for rejecting the Lord God who gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to have our sins forgiven will not be meted out in this life.

They will however feel the wrath of God in the after life.

You are free to scoff at the creator of all things in heaven and earth, but be prepared for the dire consequences.

Side: Yes

The Left will be having coronaries at the thought of our children once again having choices, freedom to learn other diverse theories to our world's beginning.

The Left wants complete control of our impressionable children's minds, coercing them to blindly accept the one and only secular Humanistic theory of evolution.

Have you ever wondered why just one theory is allowed in schools? I thought school was suppose to be about opening our children's minds, questioning the status quo, reaching beyond the beliefs of socialistic humanists.

Imagine a nation whereby a Federally run humanistic school union no longer has complete control of what is force fed into our children mind's?

Imagine an America whereby each local community public school could vote on the curriculum in their schools.

No longer a controlling Government and Federal Teacher's union telling them what they must teach above and beyond the basics.

Imagine an America where every parent had school choice when it comes to their children's education, picking schools that most reflects the desired learning experience for their children.

The Democrat Party hates the thought of what I just described. They hate the thought of school choice and would continue funneling our children into failed public schools incapable of competing with world wide test scores.

The Left's priorities are one of political correct indoctrination, more so than tests scores with regards to Math, English, Science.

Side: Yes
1 point

I have nothing against "voluntary" Bible education. They should also offer voluntary Mythology and required Science classes along with it. Educate, don't indoctrinate.

It could be difficult to find Bible "teachers" that are not too "enthusiastic".

Side: Yes
0 points

Keep your fascist religion out of our schools you Neo-Nazi wanker doodle spanker noodle poodle raper stroodle.

Side: No
Metroid(73) Disputed
2 points

You deserve the Bible thumpers pushing their ideology upon you. You provoked them.

Side: Yes
DragonBorn(315) Disputed
0 points

You deserve the Bible thumpers pushing their ideology upon you. You provoked them.

They provoked me.

Side: No