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Hellno(17724) pic

Have you ever noticed how the Right seems to care so little for victims?

Have you ever noticed how the Right seems to care so little for victims?

I have been following politics for many years and am amazed how often the right fights harder for the their own right's and freedoms than they do the victims.
A few examples.......

Democrats are voicing strong concerns over economic inequality. As always, Republicans start deceiving the electorate and twisting the Dem's words to say we want Socialism in this nation. Why do you suppose Republican's are worried less about the middle class than they are about lining their own pocket books?

Another example is the Right's insane concern to incarcerate all drug users in this nation.  Where do you suppose we're supposed to keep all these "War on Drugs" violators? Where is the Right's concerns for victims of murderers? Rapists? No, They're more worried about you next door neighbor with a joint.

Have you noticed the many rights that slumlords have when it comes to not supplying heat, or electric to poor people who are late on their rent?  As always, the right is more concerned with their profits . Yes the laws should protect bad tenants from bad renters as well but as we see, the greedy Right never takes the time to write good fair laws that side with the victims rather than siding with the irresponsible, careless, greedy, conservative trash.

How about the difficulty communities have in evading tax fraud, or getting wealthy to pay their fare.

How about Abortion? If ever there was an issue that so clearly shows the priorities of the right, it's this one. Whose fault was it for getting raped for no reason? The victim or the rapist ? Who pays the price with her life? Once again being the victim and given no protection from Republicans.

I could go on and on but if you pay attention, you will see that the Right's priorities and concerns usually focus more for the irresponsible or criminal versus the victims of their irresponsibility. It's the no fault mentality as usual. Insecure people avoiding accountability for irresponsibility while the victims get no mention.

I see an ideology from the Right so afraid of offending the one, they sentence the many to heart ache. Their priorities are all screwed up.
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I don't know where to begin with this irrational screed you posted, so I will let it just drown in its own ridiculousness and leave it at that.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
2 points

If it's so irrational, you shouldn't struggle to dismantle it.

Oh, and don't forget: He's a Libertarian, so your normal "I disagree with you so I'm just going to talk about my perception of Liberals" shtick won't work.

1 point

I couldn't come close to what the author has done, so I will let it die a natural death.

1 point

I like the satire. You have just described a stump speech from the likes of Oblunder , Killary , Barney and many with the same mentality.

0 points

STILL making ludicrous exucses of rape abortions and life of mother abortions when Republicans are not denying that compromise. Your argument would be good if there were any truth to any of it. You constantly deceive and is why I ban you.

So when you sell a car, do you expect to be paid by the person who buys it? YOU GREEDY SLUM LORD! Don't you know you are suppose to have compassion for that sad soul buying your car? He just doesn't have the money right now. Give him a break, you know he is good for it right? What kind of greedy right wing loser are you?

Land Lords have lived this same sad soap story a hundred times and guess what? The renters hardly ever solve their problems and finally must be forced out so he can find some renters who would actually pay their bills. Renting is not welfare for charity cases! Land Lords have to pay their bills to the banks, to the property taxes, to upkeep on the property but the welfare mentalities think everyone owes them a living.

Can you even grasp how fast our society would collapse if the Left got their way? Punishing the responsible people to reward irresponsible people is a recipe for total collapse of society and peole like you would be the first ones screaming when it all comes crumbling down.

Yes, republicans are funny that way. They beieve in people paying what they owe to others. As always, the Left supports the irresponsible(with tax payer money...never their own) who refuse to pay their bills. These people who just can't find the money to pay their rent always seem to have money for expensive cigarretes, alcohol, cell phones, nice jeans, nice shoes, casinos, restaurants, etc. but paying their bill? Nah....

The Left's answer is always socialism and forcing hard working responsible tax payers to support irresponsible people.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
3 points

He's a libertarian.

Sheesh, you walked right into that one.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Hey dumbfuck! Nice to see ya! Let's start with this: An Easterquestionforyou_Christians

Since you just cowardly banned me again: What say you now?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed Banned
0 points

Yeh, like I'm going to waste my time debating a liar.......................................