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joecavalry(40130) pic

How can God be both good and omnipotent?

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He can't. If god were both benevolent and omnipotent then he would not allow suffering to exist. That is why if God were to exist he could not be good.

Maybe the problem is not with God. Maybe the problem is with people ;)

1 point

But who was supposed to have created people? God. If he were compassionate he would have created humans so that they would be free of delusions that cause suffering to arise.

I disagree. Why would a good God be obligated to eliminate suffering? I also don't see how him being omnipotent would require him to eliminate suffering.

2 points

I never said being omnipotent required him to end suffering I said him being benevolent would require him ending suffering. As God is supposed to be omnipotent so can do anything (including eliminating suffering) so if he were compassionate he would have ended suffering.

2 points

If God's nature is truly one of complete goodness, devoid of any evil or wickedness, then God cannot commit an evil or wicked act.

If God can commit an evil or wicked act, then God is not omnibenevolent and not wholly good.

If God cannot commit an evil or wicked act, then God is not omnipotent, since an omnipotent being can commit any act it so desires, wicked or good.

The two concepts contradict each other.

1 point

Another terrible link. Come on man. Don't we have enough problems with the people complaining about each other. You are supposed to stir the pot not melt it down.

By using his powers for good.

1 point

Simply by using his infinite power to wipe out the forces of evil. It's already been established that 'evil' and 'good' are subjective, so that's no longer the issue. What he could do is just erase 'evil' feelings from the world. We'd still have our free will, so that wouldn't make him unjust, we just wouldn't desire to evil things.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

But to do something evil is to disobey God, so if he were to make it so that we only feel like obeying him, wouldn't that be the same as removing free will?

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I guess so, but honestly. Wouldn't you rather just have a natural inclination to do good, and go to heaven, than to have all of these choices, that may lead you to hell. If you're an atheist, you're already doomed to hell according to religious people. If only God had programmed you with knowledge of his existence, or a natural desire to love him rather than have a messenger tell you you should. Then maybe we'd be saved.

Man... I don't even want to say god doesn't exist. I know that if I do, I'll just get some Bible-humper in complete denial trying to prove how I'm incorrect. Like damn, who knew that debating could be so depressing?

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

You just said it, without actually saying it lol. You implied it.

Look out! Bible-thumpers incoming!

1 point


GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

It wasn't a yes or no question...

I didnt even notice that person said that until you said something. Haha that made me laugh. Stupidity in its finest form.

1 point

I've been making this argument a lot lately, but anyways...

To be good is to obey God (Good is just "god" with an extra "O").

To be evil is to disobey God (Evil used to be spelled "evel". That's Eve with an "L". Eve was the first human to disobey God. She introduced evil to humanity).

God cannot disobey himself, therefore he can't be evil. So, he must be good, since he does what he wants. He created our moral code. If there were a moral code that guided him, other than his own, then that would imply that there is a power greater than him.

As for omnipotent, Jesus died for humanity's sins, which means that disobeying God is no longer unforgivable. The only rule that really applies now is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. So, I guess God just stepped back and said, "You guys are on your own!", since believers are going to be rewarded with eternal life anyways. Basically, humans now rule the world. We choose which direction to steer humanity.

God cannot disobey himself, therefore he can't be evil. So, he must be good, since he does what he wants. He created our moral code. If there were a moral code that guided him, other than his own, then that would imply that there is a power greater than him.

Wow! Totes well done!!

That "good" and "Evel" thing only works in the English language. It does not work in the original language used for the bible.

The last 2 sentences makes sense. Parents eventually throw their hands up in the air and say, ""Fine, go live your life any way you want. We'll see you during the holidays." ;)

1 point

That "good" and "Evel" thing only works in the English language. It does not work in the original language used for the bible.

Yeah, I know. I was giving the origin of our versions of the words... At least I assume that's the origin. It's just an easier way to remember what I think they mean in the Biblical sense. You have to realize that our words were spelled in a particular way for a reason.

The last 2 sentences makes sense. Parents eventually throw their hands up in the air and say, ""Fine, go live your life any way you want. We'll see you during the holidays." ;)

Yeah, and usually when the child screws up, the parents hope that he/she learns from their mistakes.