
Debate Info

Change is needed Fine the way it is
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Change is needed (5)
 Fine the way it is (4)

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simplemind(44) pic

Humanity is destroying itself

Our money driven way of life has made us forget whats important. the value we put on money makes us neglet our health,other peoples well beings, and mother nature. We need to teach kids whats truly important instead of how to make money In school. 

Change is needed

Side Score: 5

Fine the way it is

Side Score: 4

It's not money that is destroying Humanity. It's self love or broken homes. Do you think when a woman or man has an affair, it is about money? It's all about chasing after personal happiness at the expense of their family.

Do you know how many kids are joining gangs because they have no family unit? Do you think that is about money? How about teens joining terrorists? Do you think that is about money?

Life is about the family unit and when the family is happy, those in the family are happy.

Liberals are fixated on money... who makes too much money, who does not make enough money, etc. etc. They refuse to address the real problems in this nation, the broken home. This is because they want big Government raising the children and in this way garner their votes. it's truly sickening.

Side: Change is needed
1 point

Why did you make this issue about liberals, out of curiosity? This topic has nothing to do with any singular political ideology.

Side: Fine the way it is
daver(1770) Disputed
1 point

Why do you ignore the argument that broken families caused by selfish behaviors are changing our society in negative ways. Do you agree or disagree with this argument.

Side: Change is needed

Definitely a change is needed. involvedinthecolumbus.html

This is teachers and staff getting higher scores and money for students not enrolled. Corruption at an elementary level, so to speak.

Side: Change is needed
1 point

Money is often the reason people commit crimes. In other words, criminals are poor, uneducated people. We could help them. What would happen if everyone in this world is greedy? What would we do then? The amount of crimes committed will rise.

Eartha Kitt once said, "Greed is so destructive. It destroys everything."

So yes, I support positive change in humanity.

Side: Change is needed
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Money is often the reason people commit crimes. In other words, criminals are poor, uneducated people.

Crimminals are poor, uneducated people; really.

Bernie Madoff "graduated from Far Rockaway High School in 1956. He attended the University of Alabama for one year, where he became a brother of the Tau Chapter of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, then transferred to and graduated from Hofstra University in 1960 with a Bachelor of Arts in political science."

Kenneth Lay "attended David H. Hickman High School and the University of Missouri where he studied economics, receiving a B.A. in 1964 and an M.A. in 1965. He served as president of the Zeta Phi chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at the University of Missouri. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Houston in 1970"

"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." Theodore Roosevelt

Side: Fine the way it is
1 point

Humanity has been destroying itself since the dawn of time. The struggle for dominance,wealth and power is a congenital characteristic of mankind. This inborn force exists in everyone,well almost everyone, to a greater or lesser extent. The competitive spirit, the survival of the fittest, dog eat dog,whatever way you wish to call it, we all strive to succeed and in many cases are prepared to adopt the mindset of 'the means always justifies the end'. Those weak kneed individuals who have no stomach for the cut and thrust of the ruthless competition which is called life and who opt out of the rat race usually hide behind some or other religion to mask their timidness. Nature intended the weak to perish so the strong could survive and flourish. This process has been titled 'natural selection'. To go against the laws of nature is wrong and dangerous.

Side: Change is needed
1 point

If this debate hinges on its description, then it is a false dichotomy. One can conclude that change is needed without agreeing that money is the problem.

Side: Fine the way it is