
Debate Info

He would He would NOT
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 He would (2)
 He would NOT (1)

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excon(18262) pic

If Jared could save himself by throwing Trump under the bus, would he??

He would

Side Score: 2

He would NOT

Side Score: 1
1 point

He would not likely "bite the hand that feeds him". That said, if it stops feeding him, ....... ?

"There is no honor among thieves" ;-)

Side: He would
1 point

He would but he won't because Trump needs him.

Side: He would
1 point

No, and it's not because of some sort of moral compass or allegiance. It's simply his problems are financial, so unless prosecutors were going to bail him out financially he can never save himself by stabbing Trump. In fact Trump may be the only real chance he has to get the kinds of investors or loans to keep his business afloat.

Side: He would NOT