
Debate Info

We AIN'T Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 We AIN'T (1)
 Trump can do no wrong (3)

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excon(18262) pic

If Trump can't beat the stone aged Taliban, how's he gonna defeat a modern Iran?


We went to war in Iraq on fraudulent intelligence..  Looks like we're about to do it again..

So, how HAVE the Middle East wars we've started worked out?



Side Score: 2

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 3
1 point

I think Putin would help. That would give him a clear title to Syria and he'd be quite neighborly with Iraq after that. Slowly taking over the middle east with the Saudi's and our Commander in Cheat.

Side: We AIN'T
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

INSANE AL has it some DOOM and GLOOM going on because HILLARY was not elected as PRESIDENT ! Must SUCK to be a 80 something year old LITTLE GURL ! Is it TOUGH to wake up in YOUR WORLD everyday there AL ????????????????

Side: Trump can do no wrong
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I wake up with a smile thinking about you, the un-holy roller who just can't get over Hillary. SHE LOST, IDIOT! She's GONE! We swapped a Putin Scumbag for a Putin Bitch! He was afraid of her! (Apparently you was too, since you can't get her out of your mind …. Hmmmm …. come to think of it, maybe you can't find her in that VAST, EMPTY, SPACE! Don't worry, she can't hurt you now! Anyway, Putin can breath easier now, he only has a confused Aryan idiot to deal with, not a determined, intelligent woman.

If I WAS an 80 year old little gurl, it would only suck if you was ROTF under me … maybe drooling! YUCK! That is a terrible thought for ANY woman! ;-)

Side: We AIN'T

If Trump can't beat the stone aged Taliban, how's he gonna defeat a modern Iran?

Pretty much kills your narrative that we can't fight the American military if we keep our guns, eh Con...?

Side: Trump can do no wrong

So, how HAVE the Middle East wars we've started worked out?

Bush looked like the clown that he was, and Obama looked like the Mad hatter of dropping bombs at will.

What happened? I thought you loved our intelligence agencies....

Side: Trump can do no wrong