
Debate Info

The Dems will DOMINATE Reap what you've sown
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:33
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 The Dems will DOMINATE (12)
 Reap what you've sown (10)

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excon(18262) pic

If the Dems DON'T impeach Trump, it's cause they wanna give President Pete FREE reign

The Dems will DOMINATE

Side Score: 17

Reap what you've sown

Side Score: 12
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They aren't going to impeach Trump because polling shows it is unpopular and they know they can't get the Republican Senate to move.

President Pete

Pete can't beat Biden or Sanders. The new guy always gets the axe by the DNC unless he has a lot of Democrat support.

Side: Reap what you've sown
0 points

I think "Pete" would make a good Vice President (OK, that leaves an opening for the uneducated among us, but, that's to be expected from small minds). He's intelligent and speaks very well. On that alone, he is more qualified than the one occupying the White House, today. However, I want to see more about the others.

As far as impeachment, I wish they'd go about that QUIETLY, and not have it all over the TV 24/7! When THAT is on, Trumps face ( :-P ) is on and it's helping HIM! I want to see more on the "runners"! Keep the orange man OFF the screen! (And ON the table!)

Side: Reap what you've sown
1 point

On that alone, he is more qualified than the one occupying the White House

Won't work Al. Trump's qualifications going into this next election are the DOW, minority unemployment numbers, unemployment numbers overall, higher wages, much higher GDP, no new endless wars, crime down, work with the inner cities, and criminal reform.

Side: The Dems will DOMINATE
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

Won't work Al. Trump's qualifications going into this next election are the DOW, minority unemployment numbers, unemployment numbers overall, higher wages, much higher GDP

For God's sake shut your stupid delusional mouth you psychotic imbecile:-

2018 was was the worst for stocks in 10 years

A moment ago you were talking about "truth". But the problem is that all you ever do is lie. Trump gave us the worst economic year for an entire decade. Amusingly, he gave us the worst economic year since the last dumbass Republican who sat in the chair.

Side: Reap what you've sown
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

However, the overall economy SUCKS. People still need two or more jobs, or workers in the home, they can't afford health insurance … or if they can it keeps them strapped. They can't put any money away, gas prices are soaring, the deficit is soaring, the price of education is soaring, N. Korea is threatening again, Russia is moving ALL over the world and building nukes again, Trump continues to lie, lie, lie and his golf is costing U.S. $Millions (2.9M$ for the last two outings!). He's a TERRIBLE Presi …. um, …. occupier of the White House … and more people are wising up every day! Even those on FOX are questioning his worth! The employment numbers are SMALL beside what Obama did, the wages are pitifully higher overall, He has given Putin everything he wanted to "end" some wars (kinda). But, the rich ARE getting richer, the infrastructure is collapsing, etc., etc.. I've BEEN in good economies … this is NOT one of them!

Side: The Dems will DOMINATE