
Debate Info

Absolutely Absolutely not
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Absolutely (4)
 Absolutely not (4)

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Pantagruel(984) pic

Interrupting Somebody Who Is Speaking Is a Violation of Free Speech

So you've got a few people in a room having a conversation. Somebody is talking but, before they can finish, some arsehole cuts them off and starts talking himself.
Did the arsehole violate the right to free speech of the non-arsehole?
Should he be arrested, tried and/or convicted for this infringement?


Side Score: 4

Absolutely not

Side Score: 6
1 point

Does it violate free speech? Yes. Should it be grounds for getting arrested for violating Constitutional rights? No, that's just silly. All you would do is clog the courts with he said she said cases. Furthermore, the fact the person who was cut off can still say whatever they were about to say if they try again in just a moment mitigates the alleged damage to their freedom of expression.

Side: Absolutely
Belma(229) Disputed
1 point

How is it violating free speech? Free speech is only being able to say whatever you wish. Its not whether your interrupted while making your statement.

Side: Absolutely not

There are two reasons for interrupting people.

Sometimes when conversations occur, each person might end up having a lot to say and conversational traffic might occur, in this case, people get distracted by their own thoughts or so on, and end up interrupting the other person by focusing on getting their own words that they want to say out of their mouths as quickly as possible.

So interrupting can be unintentional and harmless.

However, there is also another form of interrupting which I don't like. This type of interrupting when committed by some jerk occurs when somebody gives a valid piece of dialogue and the jerk tries to cut off the complete scenario that the other person tries to get across, before they are actually able to finish, this way the jerk tries to win an argument by cutting off the other persons ability to give their own full arguments, thus trying to put the other person either on the defence, make them give way, or to try to get the other person to listen to them.

Jerks do this also as a means to get other people to believe the jerks point of view, while the other persons views is diminished due to them being interrupted.

So yes, I think interrupting somebody CAN be a means of violating somebodies free speech.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

Absolutely yes!! People who disagree to this ,please note free speech is a right given to everybody and going against it definitely going violating it! Its as that obvious.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

As for the punishment, I cant tell what is to be done. That completely depends on the government. If the scene isn't too severe punishment , in my point of view not really needed the alternative is required.

Side: Absolutely
2 points

One could still speak freely, it's just less likely for one to get heard.

Who says we have the freedom to be heard? Hmmm? No violation here.

Side: Absolutely not

No. If you're in a conversation and someone speaks over you, it's just rude and nothing more.

If you have your own venue that you paid for and set up and people who are not invited show up and shout you down, then maybe. At the very least they are trespassers, and disturbing the peace and could be arrested for that.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

Free speech is saying what you want to say. This "guy" is not saying that you cant say this or that. He just simply interrupts you. How would you feel if you went to jail or got a ticket for interrupting someone while they where talking... EXACTLY

Side: Absolutely not