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 Is abortion wrong in all cases? (3)

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AveMaria(5) pic

Is abortion wrong in all cases?

Is abortion wrong, even in cases of rape, incest, e.g.
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It's not wrong in "all cases", but 99.99% of abortions do not fit the criteria for being "not wrong". Liberals like to use false outrage in one arena to get their way in another. They'll say "what if she's raped?" Which if conservatives give in, then millions of liberals can just claim they were raped by a masked, unknown man. So the Conservatives have to demand the rape be proven by doctors. That's the type of games the left loves to play. Then the left screams "they don't believe you when you say you were raped!" and they now have the victim card. Liberalism is dishonesty used for political expediency.

1 point


The statistic used here is misleading and unless a judicial record of trial can be provided the action of abortion is based only off of a self-incriminating confession being made. The fact is a Medical Gender Specific Amputation has taken place and at some level the cause was due to a threat to human life.

Abortion is not wrong in all cases the issue is abortion is a self-incriminating confession in all cases. The self-incrimination is made on a confession to an intellectual prediction of murder.

1. Abort means to officially stop, pause. All thing that are aborted has the ability to be restarted. Once the object aborted is no longer able to be restarted the abort process changes to a termination.

2. Gender Specific Amputation describes an imperial medical process. It may be detailed as an abortion or something else. It does however move the self-incrimination from the confession.

The Constitutional issue with abortions legality is best based on the confession as it is transferable to the public. Anyone who is told about the medical process is being asked to be a part of what Is being confessed by the woman. Without any united States Constitutional representation. This becomes a serious violation as the confession is made on a felony crime and the aiding in such a crime is also a felony if the confession is believed to be true.