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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:19
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 No. (6)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

Is single payer healthcare a good idea?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 8

Healthcare is an absolute human right...................................................................................................................

Side: Yes.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

When the Government goes bankrupt from paying for free unaffordable healthcare, who will be covered after that?

Do you understand the ponzy scheme? Politicians in the Democrat Party promise the voters the world to get elected even though it is not affordable. Then they keep raising taxes to pay for it until our Government defaults.

We are twenty trillion in debt!

Republicans are the grownups in the room because they understand there can be no free ride. Everyone must pay for their healthcare and if they can't, they will be denied non emergency healthcare.

Until people who smoke, drink, take drugs, buy expensive cell phones, etc. etc., stop spending money on their vices and refusing to pay for their health, I will not pay for their healthcare just so they can keep their vices.

Side: No.
1 point

How Christian of you to care more about money than people.........................................................................................................

Side: Yes.
3 points

By stating that healthcare is a human right I assume you mean free healthcare for all.

If so, who is going to provide the finance for this human right?

Are inhabitants of poor African countries also entitled to free healthcare as a human right?

Who pays for the research and development for the drugs and medication necessary to treat the great range of constantly evolving new illnesses plaguing the world's population?

If you believe in healthcare for all, would you along with other like minded people be prepared to donate 75% of your income so everyone can enjoy this human right?

I don't believe that healthcare is a human right so I will be taking care of my family and myself and expecting others do the same.

Side: No.
seanB(950) Disputed
1 point

By stating that healthcare is a human right I assume you mean free healthcare for all.

If so, who is going to provide the finance for this human right?

The average citizen will, through taxation.

Let's get our facts right here: The US government spends, per capita, more than twice the tax-dollars on subsidised healthcare for American citizens, than a fully socialised healthcare country like the UK spends, and Americans STILL have to fork our for private insurance.

You want to cry about costs: your current system costs your government, and yourself, three/four/five times what it costs the average citizen in a socialised healthcare system.

The cost argument against universal care is absolute nonsense. A socialised system is cheaper and more effective in several ways:

1. It forces private medical companies to reduce prices, so as to secure large contracts (an entire country buying your medicine at 40% the usual price, is better than a few private hospitals buying it at 100% the usual price);

2. It incentivises legislation that allows for cheaply made generic versions of high-cost branded medicines (it benefits the government of a subsidised healthcare system to instate laws that reduce the length of time a chemical formula can be patented);

3. It tends to provoke governments to instate public medical companies which can manufacture equipment and medicine for much lower costs than profit seeking entities can;

4. It forces hospitals into public hands and, due to a lack of shareholders seeking profits, it means that the hostpitals can be run much more cheaply and cost effectively (no shareholders means no need to charge through the teeth for services, nor to provide yearly "growth");

5. It removes the need for citizens to pay twice for their healthcare: once through taxation and once through insurance premiums;

6. It promotes a culture of quality-of-care rather than profit-seeking -- any costs that are cut will be cut at the behest of committees of doctors committed to the Hippocratic Oath, not at the behest of boards of directors committed to sales targets;

7. Owing to the fact that public money is used both to manufacture medicine and to provide it in healthcare settings, there is no institutionalised profiteering at any stage of the chain: all money spent is public record, and none ends up in the hands of shareholders. It is reinvested in the system.

Look at any socialised healthcare system in the developed world: they are all cheaper, by a helluva lot, than the American model. And yet, nearly all of those other developed countries have higher life expectancies and better overall health than Americans. In fact, the WHO three year study has ranked the UK as the best health system in the world for decades now.

Who pays for the research and development for the drugs and medication necessary to treat the great range of constantly evolving new illnesses plaguing the world's population?

The NHS is, in medicine, the highest contributor to medical research in the world. It is the world's 5th largest employer. Yet, out of the world's 11 most developed countries, it puts the 4th lowest percentage of GDP into its healthcare system.

Do you know which country puts the most?

Yep, the USA.

If you believe in healthcare for all, would you along with other like minded people be prepared to donate 75% of your income so everyone can enjoy this human right?

75%? Lmfao. I can earn the equivalent of $16,000 before paying ANY tax. Then from about $16,000 to $60,000, I pay only 20% of my income in taxes. And I have access to the NHS.

75% is a made-up number.


Side: Yes.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

HOGWASH! When I travel to Canada, it sickens me how many taxes they pay for hotels, food, etc. etc.

People living in Canada can not afford enjoyment in life because everything costs too much in order to pay for their bad healthcare. Then they come to America when they truly need good healthcare for severe illnesses without long waiting periods.

Side: No.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point

Hey Stupid are you trying to say government run healthcare is good in the UK ??????LMMFAO

Side: No.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point
Side: No.
1 point

This is my body. I have the right to choose what happens to it.............................................................

Side: Yes.