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 Islamic State Sells Yazidi Slaves (9)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Islamic State Sells Yazidi Slaves

“They took young girls, seven, nine and 10 years old,” explained Aveen, 23 years of age. ISIS held her for almost a year before she escaped.

The guards held the women and children at a school, separate from the men. At night, those same guards raped the women.

“Some females are sold for weapons, or for just $10, or 10 cigarettes,” said activist Khider Domle, who interviewed numerous Yazidis.

So do Islamist not have a "War on Women" ? Why does the United States Federal Government support the Religion of Islam ?

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2 points

That report presents nothing out of character with the followers of a faith whose prophet was a paedophile rapist of children. Filth is what filth does.

Yes, and we don't.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Why does your government support the Religion of Islam then ?

1 point

It doesn't, though I appreciate the further admission of your lack of U.S. citizenship.

The only speech allowed by Liberals is Political correct speech. All other speech is considered phobic. This is why the Left needs our constitution to be a living document and thereby allow them to twist it to censor speech they don't like.

1 point

Dude, you are the only person here who censors.

How does your projection not embarrass you.

And this is the religion the left defends. Go figure that one.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

How do you convince yourself of this nonsense? Does it take much effort?

1 point

Proof that these freaks are both stupid and perverted. Hmm...are many of you people on this site muslims? Because it seems that ISIS is a very popular topic. I wonder why...