
Debate Info

She's lied. Everyone knows it Her DNA is from Andramada
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 She's lied. Everyone knows it (7)
 Her DNA is from Andramada (3)

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Bronto(2002) pic

She's lied. Everyone knows it

Side Score: 7

Her DNA is from Andramada

Side Score: 4
1 point

"Cherokee Nation says Warren should apologize to the tribe before any 2020 run"

Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
1 point

Cherokee Nation Geneologists slam Elizabeth Warren, Warren, nor her family, found nowhere in Cherokee records, not even on Miller Role of 1907

Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
1 point

It's easy to prove your Native American, so why doesn't she just do it?

Hello bront:

She DID, and it WAS easy.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has released a DNA test that provides “strong evidence’’ she had a Native American in her family tree dating back 6 to 10 generations. warren-releases-results-of-dna-test/ar-BBOphlQ?OCID=ansmsnnews11


Side: Her DNA is from Andramada
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello again, bront:

I have a theory...……..

We're told that Jews aren't Jews because 2,000 years ago they died out.. But, wasn't that when the Cherokee nation was formed???


Natives kinda look like Jews, don't they???


Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Natives kinda look like Jews, don't they???

Hardly an insult con. We aren't the party that hates Jews and Israel. That's your side.

Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

We're told that Jews aren't Jews because 2,000 years ago they died out..

I have no idea where the Jews went or didn't go.

But, wasn't that when the Cherokee nation was formed???

No. You need history lessons con. Nation(1794–1907))

Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Come now Con. We aren't just going to believe her. She should come into the Cherokee Nation and let us get the sample to relieve any doubt. She could get her CDIB card, which would make it official...

(I have a strong feeling we won't be hearing from her.)

As for 10 generations ago, even if true, wouldn't make her the 1/32 she claimed. It would make her 1/512.

"Stanford University professor Carlos D. Bustamante conducted the analysis and concluded that while a "vast majority" of Warren's background is European"

Bwahahahaha! Ahem...

the results strongly support

Define "strongly support".


Now, let's taked the context of her claim vs 10th generation.


she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s.

Pretty much lied to Harvard and used a minority status for gain and attention eh Con?

If you have a black ancestor from 200 years ago, but you are white as the driven snow, are you black? No.

Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

According to your source, Warren is between 1/32nd and 1/512th Native American. Thats 1/32nd at most! That’s 1/32nd IF her Great great great grandmother who is in public records as white was actually 100% Cherokee.

1/32nd..That’s less than me and there’s a reason I don’t claim to be Native American. That’s not enough to be part of a tribe. That’s definitely not enough to put on employment papers to gain an advantage for hiring, as she did. If I did that it would be fraud. She’s a lying bitch who thought she would capitalize on the oppressed status of an identity that she has nothing to do with. Maybe her running mate can be Rachel Dolezal.

I’m waiting for her defenders to say she’s Native American because that’s how she identifies.

Side: She's lied. Everyone knows it
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

1/32nd..That’s less than me

Hello A:

She didn't discuss percentages.. She said she has a Native American in her past, and she does.

Nuff said..


Side: Her DNA is from Andramada