
Debate Info

Criminals disobey laws Guns are everywhere
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:19
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 Criminals disobey laws (8)
 Guns are everywhere (2)

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TacoLunch(74) pic

Japan has some of the strictest gun laws on Earth. Ex PM gets shot anyway

Criminals disobey laws

Side Score: 9

Guns are everywhere

Side Score: 2
1 point

Japan has some of the strictest gun laws on Earth. Ex PM gets shot anyway


To suggest that gun control laws DON'T work because, out of a country of 125 million people, NINE of 'em got shot, is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.


Side: Criminals disobey laws
1 point

Neither the assassination in Japan or anything that has been expressed here detracts from the simple mathematical equation that in any society, especially in an above average violent nation such as America, more guns equals more deaths by guns.

Side: Criminals disobey laws
seanB(950) Clarified
1 point

This is a pretty simple and correct observation. Guns make killing easier purely by the nature of their proliferation and form. Replace every gun with a knife and you are statistically certain to have less murders, purely because knives are harder to kill people with, especially lots of people at once.

But let's be honest, the States will never abandon guns. The best a sane populace can hope for is a "well regulated militia" as the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution states it. But for that, you first need some form of regulation.

Side: Criminals disobey laws
Bogan(53) Disputed
0 points

You must have been reading my posts, Norwich. Congratulations, I will get that brain of yours working yet. Violent societies need strict gun laws, and law abiding societies which have a cultural aversion to internal violence, especially the concept of personnel revenge, do not.

Just concentrating on guns and ignoring other issues, such as an entertainment media which glamourises violent criminals, glamourises loners bent on revenge, glamourises stupid criminal risk taking behaviour, and glamourises violence towards women, will only just mitigate the problem. It is still allowing the media to put inside the stupid heads of low IQ young men who are poorly socialised, because they probably come from one parent families, that being a violent criminal who engages in revenge behaviour and smacks his bitch around is a real cool guy. And if they can't find a gun they will use a knife or a box of matches.

Show a young kid an image of a manly cowboy smoking Marlborough Reds, and he will want to buy Marlborough Reds to be like the cowboy. Show a kid an image of a violent gun toting criminal who has lots of money, a bad attitude, a real nice car, the nicest clothes, and an incredibly beautiful girlfriend who he can treat like dirt, and who can kill without pity and remorse, and he will want to get a gun and be like his on screen hero.

Side: Guns are everywhere
Norwich(1576) Disputed
0 points

Well, lookie here, the Kangaroo Kid has been able to his drag his ball and chain to his computer and spew out his standard Australian drivel.

Hey Joey, this is a debating forum and not a platform for Australian filth such as you to clutter-up with their off-topic, inconsequential blustering.

From experience I have learned that it is pointless entering into discourse with brainless lowlifes such as you as your type are always too slow on the uptake and miss the nucleus of the subject by trying to push your own extrinsic agenda.

This thread is about how the volume of guns in circulation in any society may, or may not be connected to the number of firearm related deaths.

All nations have people of violence within their society but the relatively lower rate of gun crimes in other advanced countries outside of the U.S., graphically illustrates that the lower number of firearms in circulation equates directly to lower gun crime.

Save your inapplicable blarney for ''The Outback Chronicle'' and you'll have the Aborigines falling out of the Eucalyptus trees with laughter.

''Does the showing of fictional violence by the entertainment industry increase the instances of actual violence in the societies where they are publicly screened''?, is an altogether different debate and should be introduced under separate cover,.

Side: Criminals disobey laws
1 point

We all die eventually so why does it matter what we carry on our butt. TRUMP 2024!!!!

Side: Criminals disobey laws
0 points

No, Japan does not have mass murdering gun nuts. What they did have is a bunch of religious nutters mass murdering people in the Tokyo subway with Sarin gas. In Australia, our "Black Friday" bushfires in Victoria killed 187 people in one day. That fire was deliberately lit.

The official Japanese homicide rate should be taken with a grain of salt. Japan is practically a one party state noted throughout Asia for it's ruthless political corruption, and this from a corner of the world where such behaviour is rarely even remarked upon. Too many people who know too much seem to take late night, face first, high dives off tall buildings to be coincidental. And this in a country where vending machines on train stations dispense used underwear from Japanese schoolgirls.

On the plus side, traditionally, Japanese cinema was never like Hollywood cinema. While Hollywood glamourises criminal behaviour and mass killer's, Japanese cinema always portrayed criminal behaviour as villainous behaviour. This is beginning to change as Japanese cinema becomes more "liberal" and violent. Unsurprisingly, Japanese school children are becoming more violent and, shocking to the Japanese people, engaging in very serious acts of extreme violence. In one instance, a 13 year old boy beheaded a class mate with a knife and hung his head on the school fence.

Was the knife the culprit? Or was it what society was allowing it's media to insert into a confused kids head the culprit?

You decide.

Side: Criminals disobey laws
0 points

Ooooh, Norwich. it looks like I stuck a pin in your inflated ego?

You are correct in saying that this topic is about whether the number of firearms in society is responsible for homicide rates. The answer is, yes and no. law abiding societies with strong social cohesion can be armed to the teeth and it will not affect homicde rates at all. Examples are Switzerland and Israel. During ww2, it was feared by the British government that the very large number of young servicemen and home guardsmen walking around the streets of every British city, openly carrying all manner of lethal military weapons would cause violent criminal behaviour to soar. it didn't happen. When Germans are are dropping bombs on everybody the community comes together and people put aside their petty personal problems.

Violent societies with poor social cohesion and an out of control media which is usurping the traditional means of transmitting the pro social cultural values of its population, and changing them to anti social values where violent, revenge seeking mass murders, gang members, and other violent criminals are presented as heroes., most certainly do. Here in Australia yesterday, the NSW Police Commissioner has asked media companies to censor violent rap and drill music as he correctly believes it is fueling the upsurge in gang related violent behaviour in his state.

Side: Criminals disobey laws
1 point

Yup. Who'd have thunk that people who can't get legal firearms would make illegal ones at home? Oh wait, shit, I've been saying that for years, haven't I?

Side: Guns are everywhere
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Who'd have thunk that people who can't get legal firearms would make illegal ones at home?


Well, there ya go.. Gun control clearly doesn't work, because ONE guy made a gun.

Dude! To suggest that in a country of 125 million people, gun control DOESN'T work because ONE guy broke the law, is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.


Side: Criminals disobey laws
1 point

1995, Tokyo, sarin gas attack, 13 people dead. 2001, Shinjuku, arson attack, 44 people dead, perpetrator never caught. 2008, Osaka, arson attack, 16 people dead. 2016, Sagamihara, knife attack, 19 dead. 2019, Kyoto, arson attack, 36 dead. 2021, Osaka, arson attack, 25 dead. Those are just the highlights.

This is why "gun deaths" only serve as a propagandistic shock statistic. This is why I keep saying, if you take away the guns, not only do you not inhibit people who are willing and able to make them at home or obtain them through other illegal means, you force people who don't know how to make guns to get creative.

This was never about just one guy.

Side: Criminals disobey laws