
Debate Info

True My head is in my colon
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:25
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 True (12)
 My head is in my colon (4)

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KornSalad(22) pic

Left hates religion because it doesn't make them God. Leftism does.


Side Score: 19

My head is in my colon

Side Score: 4

Left hates religion because it doesn't make them God.

Just what does this even mean you astonishingly stupid idiot?

Side: True
1 point

Just what does this even mean you astonishingly stupid idiot?

He's not an idiot, it means you don't like religion because you don't like being told how to live your life.

Side: True
2 points

I can see this being true. The basic logic of it is in anything that is against you or the furthest away from your position to the point it about shatters it, perhaps pours judgment on it, gives you a distaste, dissatisfaction, what's to like there ?

A natural response if you will. You wouldn't like displeasure .

Side: True

Check please! I have been saying this, for years!...........................................................................................

Side: True
2 points

There are no words to describe how true that statement is. The left hates religion also because it forces them to follow a moral code. Liberals don't want morality or law, they want anarchy. The left hates Christianity because it is opposed to God. But God will eventually humble them and show them the true way.

Side: True
2 points

You have seen what BLM and ANTIFA have done? Also Dems have pseudoscientific beliefs like climate change apocalypticism, more than 2 genders, the gender spectrum(the stupidest st people actually believe), they believe that you are born gay(despite the amount of evidence against that idea), they want school prayer separated from public schools(which caused the school system to get worse, look it up on Bing).

Side: True
1 point

Yes and I know that lgbt are actually racist and sexist too. They seemingly preach about equality, love etc but it's really about lust and causing iniquity within society. We see that alot today with their pride parades which are disgusting and needs to be removed. Lgbt are racist because of their recent delusional claim that "one can be transracial". Transgenderism wasn't enough and so they now want to change their own race? Wow. Sexism, hypocrisy and racism is within that toxic dystopia. Lgbt, BLM, Anti-Fa, democrats, neo marxists, feminazis etc etc, they are all leftists who seemingly hate God.

Side: True
1 point

Near the end, "all knees shall bend to Him" upon His return.

Side: True
1 point

The hypocrisy of the left is; they act with all forms of godliness and yet they deny the power of God Himself. This was prophesied in the Bible itself and yes it's coming to pass. They are just as envious as Lucifer himself when he acted out of pride to rebel against God. Leftism shows the devil has leftists under his thumb and evil influence. Within time, God will not hesitate to show them the way. If they accept, they will be enlightened towards the truth. But if they don't? Well. God and His Son, Jesus will deny them on that Day of Judgement. It is truly sad to know that there are just some men who don't want to be saved....because some men just simply want to see the world burn.......if you get that reference, than you understand what I mean.

Side: True
1 point

I think you are right, your head MUST be in your colon. I have NO wish to be "God". I don't hate religion, I hate the way some (many) use it. I don't give the south end of a north-bound rat about religion, one way or another, I just don't want it shoved up MY colon!

Anyone can do as they wish with it, within the (societal) law. Just don't pass laws that force ME to follow the rules of YOUR "God" and any religion can do as they please in its own places.

Side: My head is in my colon
1 point

I don't give the south end of a north-bound rat about religion, one way or another, I just don't want it shoved up MY colon!

I would like to see you come up with a single instance where religion has been shoved up your colon.

Anyone can do as they wish with it, within the (societal) law. Just don't pass laws that force ME to follow the rules of YOUR "God" and any religion can do as they please in its own places.

I'm not sure what your point is here. If a religion wants to do something they want to do, and you don't want them to do it, why is that a problem? The point of the separation of church and state is to prevent the church from ever getting involved in the state. To make the separation of church and state viable, the church must operate within the law, and not try to change it. The problem is that 'church' refers to the popular religion that was brought into the US at the time, which was the Christian religion. The Christian religion can do as it pleases within the law, but not outside of the law. The US government is not trying to change the Christian religion, it is trying to stop it from affecting public policy and the law. Anyone trying to convince you to be a Christian is completely inside the law and you should not be crying to anyone about being forced to adhere to the Christian religion.

Side: True
1 point

Hardly. I don't hate religion, I dislike people who use religion as an excuse to do terrible things to other people. Religion is a tool, the user is the one that deserves the censure.

Lefties don't hate religion, they hate the religious who act in ways that are disingenuous to the beliefs they themselves preach about their God.

Side: My head is in my colon
3 points

Yes leftists/Marxists, do hate religious people, like Christians and Messianic Jewish people.

Side: True
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

If we followed your logic, leftists hate the religious and righties hate the non-religious and science.

Side: My head is in my colon