
Debate Info

Yellow star I'm fine with it
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:28
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 Yellow star (8)
 I'm fine with it (7)

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TimCast(812) pic

Left wing social media mass suspends Conservatives and Donald Trump

Yellow star

Side Score: 11

I'm fine with it

Side Score: 9
1 point

Silencing or denying platform to those with even moderate right-wing views is the regular communist strategy throughout the world.

Everyone should have access to all media outlets and enjoy the freedom to express their viewpoint without censorship..

This basic democratic right gives those with contrary political opinions the opportunity to challenge the statements of their opponents IN RATIONAL AND REASONED DISCOURSE..


In the murky and dangerous world of left-wing media outlets the expression of non-communist angles is at best stiffed or at worst, as in this case, banned.

Don't be surprised, but do be frightened at the steady march of LEFT WING CENSORSHIP OF ''FREEDOM OF POLITICAL EXPRESSION AND THEIR ENDLESS FLOW OF ''FAKE NEWS''.

Side: Yellow star
1 point

Everyone should have access to all media outlets

So criminals? Criminals should have access to media outlets?


OK, so how about people who want to use them to lie, cheat and spam populist propaganda with the intentional purpose of resurrecting an ideology (i.e. fascism) which killed 70 million people the last time, including many of my own relatives?

You see, you are what is known as a conscienceless prick. If I suggested to you that we give some random black rapist airtime to discuss the misconceptions society has about rape you'd be all over that one like a fly on shit, but when it comes to giving fascists airtime to discuss the misconceptions society has about our big fluffy new branding of Nazism, well then you are no doubt perfectly fine with that. A hypocrite and a delusional clown is what you are and it is what you will remain because you do not even have the inclination to ever consider the alternative view.

Side: I'm fine with it
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I realize people may feel too busy to research everything and therefore rely on others sometimes, but what I don't understand is why people continually rely on sources that repeatedly mislead them.

Can you name one conservative that you think was inappropriately banned?

I asked the question here, and not one example was provided.

Candace openly told people to break the law and was suspended from Twitter until the tweet was deleted, and Diamond and Silk say they were censored when they weren't. That's all it takes these days for the propaganda machine to cry mass victimhood.

Side: Yellow star
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

what I don't understand is why people continually rely on sources that repeatedly mislead them

That's pretty rich, given that you get your information about 9/11 from the Bush Administration and those specifically appointed by the Bush Administration.

You have absolutely no business condescending to anybody else about using bunk sources. The Bush Administration not only lied to put Americans in Iraq (a lie which Obama was perfectly happy to continue), but they attempted to blackmail UN member states into fixing a vote to give them a second resolution because they knew what they were doing was illegal without UN backing. And don't even get me started on Valerie Plame. This is an administration with a documented record of lies, deceit, blackmail and war crimes. But their 9/11 narrative is of course totally kosher. Facepalm.

Side: Yellow star

As a regular participant on Reddit, I can attest to the fact that there is an overwhelming bias against conservatives and anyone who has an opinion that doesn't follow liberal groupthink.

I've had multiple accounts suspended, or deactivated simply because I dare utter an opposing view. I've been often accused of being racist, bigoted or engaging in "hate" speech, or whatever and penalized for it. You need only express an opinion they disagree with.

You get penalized via downvotes and when you go below 0 points, you are in the penalty phase where you have to wait 10 minutes between each response in that category. Downvotes come from the liberal mob who doesn't take kindly to opposing views.

You can get suspended if they decided to take offense to anything you say as decided by a "Redditor", who are usually liberal or banned altogether just because. Mob rule is the order of the day there.

Side: Yellow star
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Mob rule is the order of the day there.

Hello High:

That's why I like it here.. We don't gotta please nobody.. I would NEVER post on a site where I had to please somebody. In fact, my whole shtick is DISPLEASING somebody.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho Marx..


Side: Yellow star

This site and twitter. I get blowback on both, but I love the give and take. Groucho was a wise man; he has some very clever insights.

Side: Yellow star
BaloneyHead(216) Disputed
1 point

That's why I like it here.. We don't gotta please nobody

Explains why you left Seattle for a redder state.

Side: I'm fine with it
1 point

As a regular participant on Reddit, I can attest to the fact that there is an overwhelming bias against conservatives and anyone who has an opinion that doesn't follow liberal groupthink.

As a regular participant here who engages with you frequently, I can attest to the fact that you are a fascist who -- either through ignorance or deceit -- mislabels himself as a conservative.

Side: I'm fine with it
1 point

Mob rule is the order of the day

Right, so democracy is what you hate, not Reddit. That isn't conservatism.

Side: I'm fine with it
1 point

No, just the bigotry of the Left.


Side: Yellow star
-1 points

Left wing social media mass suspends Conservatives

Stop mislabelling white supremacists and/or fascists as plain ordinary Conservatives please. You've dragged the Republicans to the extreme far right, binned all the moderates and now you're trying to convince people that's normal. The entire world is ready to fight you again if that's what it takes. And we'll win again too.

Side: Yellow star
1 point

Oh my! I feel so bad for you paranoid weaponized radicalized trigger happy right wing extremist conspiracy loving Democracy hating easily duped treasonous nut jobs! I think I'm gonna cry!

Side: I'm fine with it
1 point

I feel so bad for you paranoid weaponized

The CHAZ had 5 people shit in one week.

radicalized trigger happy

The CHAZ had 5 people shot in one week. Then a lefty shot imto a BLM crowd.

right wing extremist

Yet no black statues come down, and no right wing groups are destroying cities.

conspiracy loving

You've been shown CNN lied about Russia. You spout it anyway.

Democracy hating

From a guy promoting censorship.

easily duped timeCNNadmittedCollusionstorywasfakethatlibspretenddidnt_happen

treasonous nut jobs!

Your party just got caught stuffing ballots.

Your party promotes sex changes for children.

Side: Yellow star
Miocene(707) Clarified
2 points

Let me correct you TT.

By referring to this black terrorist group as BLM you're helping to promote their image and cause.

This hate mob of insurgents should, and must be called by the more accurate name of 0BLM, Only Black Lives Matter.

The darkies are Only concerned about darkies and would like to see us whities in hell.

Side: Yellow star