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 Lefty's have them a new Doomsday Prediction - "Recession" (4)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Lefty's have them a new Doomsday Prediction - "Recession"

Now according to ABC News there will be a recession starting August 22,2020 ! ABC News and other Leftist media outlets have been rubbing the Crystal Ball and that Crystal Ball has given that forecast ! ROTFFLMMFAO !
Hey dummies will this prediction come true for you ????????????? 

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1 point

I am really looking forward to this false prediction and the Blame Game that follows when it fails miserably ! ROTFFLMMFAO !

1 point

Wait and see is the option. Mueller prediction was 2 years in waiting. Democrats are already a year behind the eight ball on this one.

The DOW will have to fall 7,000 points to meet Obama's high, so if 23,000 or 24,000 is a recession, Obama's economy must have been a shit tank.

If not for the leftists screaming nonsense nonstop about the Never Never Land that they live in, you'd think most minorities and whites get along fine and that you'll wake up tomorrow not dead from a magical climate that is out to get you.