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Nahhh Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Nahhh (1)
 Trump can do no wrong (6)

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excon(18262) pic

Mueller LOOKS like a dodering old fool. Is that gonna HELP the Democrats?


Side Score: 1

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 6
1 point

Mueller has to THINK about every answer, one misspoken word will be "used against him". Since each interrogator is given only 5 minutes, they hit him with a waterfall of questions. While he is still considering his answer to one, they ask another. ANYONE would look like a "doddering old fool" no matter what his age.

On the other hand, Trump has shown MANY TIMES that he DOES NOT THINK before he speaks …. and STILL comes off as a "doddering old fool" for different reasons. For instance, he took 13 seconds, plus about two days, (AND a reported clarification by his wife and daughter ;-) to decide that "send them back" was racist. That's a "doddering old fool". THAT will help the Democrats. :-)

Side: Nahhh
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point


Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

LMMFAO !!!!!!! Check this out AL !!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Mueller was unable to remember which president appointed him U.S. attorney for Massachusetts on Wednesday, highlighting just how shaky the former special counsel was during his House Judiciary Committee testimony.

“Which president appointed you to become the United States Attorney for Massachusetts?” Arizona Rep. Greg Stanton asked Mueller.

“Which senator?” Mueller asked.

“Which president,” repeated Stanton, a Democrat.

“I think that was President Bush,” Mueller said, referring to George H.W. Bush.

“According to my notes, it was President Ronald Reagan had the honor to do so,” said Stanton, as some in the audience laughed.

“My mistake,” Mueller responded.

Now AL wrote this - Mueller has to THINK about every answer, one misspoken word will be "used against him" OOPS AL what happened ??????

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

to decide that "send them back" was racist.

If send them back is racist, the Democratic Party is riddled with it. Hey look, an example...

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

SUPER STUPID it must be said that SARGENT SCHULZ aka MUELLER has been a disaster for the LEFTIST today. His word of the day is PURVIEW !!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

LMMFAO !!!!!! This should help you DEMORATS out !!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Mueller was unable to remember which president appointed him U.S. attorney for Massachusetts on Wednesday, highlighting just how shaky the former special counsel was during his House Judiciary Committee testimony.

“Which president appointed you to become the United States Attorney for Massachusetts?” Arizona Rep. Greg Stanton asked Mueller.

“Which senator?” Mueller asked.

“Which president,” repeated Stanton, a Democrat.

“I think that was President Bush,” Mueller said, referring to George H.W. Bush.

“According to my notes, it was President Ronald Reagan had the honor to do so,” said Stanton, as some in the audience laughed.

“My mistake,” Mueller responded.

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Mueller LOOKS like a dodering old fool. Is that gonna HELP the Democrats?

I did burst out with laughter when he didn't know what the fuck Fusion GPS was. I spewed drink onto the carpet in real time.

Side: Trump can do no wrong