
Debate Info

Pretty sweet Racist slur from the left
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Pretty sweet (1)
 Racist slur from the left (4)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

President Trump nominates Marine to be first-ever black female general.

Pretty sweet

Side Score: 2

Racist slur from the left

Side Score: 4

'No Vacancies' for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start

In 1966, as the investigative journalist Wayne Barrett detailed in “Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth,” a New York legislative committee accused Fred Trump of using state money earmarked for middle-income housing to build a shopping center instead. One lawmaker called Mr. Trump “greedy and grasping.”

By this point, the Trump organization’s business practices were beginning to come under scrutiny from civil rights groups that had received complaints from prospective African-American tenants.

Complaints about the Trump organization’s rental policies continued to mount: By 1967, state investigators found that out of some 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, seven were occupied by African-American families.

Side: Pretty sweet
1 point

Yes, yes. The racist who puts a black woman into a position of extreme power in the US military and a black man to head HUD. Not a very good racist.


You though, hate the Jews and use the word "Jew", meant as an insult. Isn't that sick you little Hitlerian goblin?

Side: Racist slur from the left
1 point

By 1967, state investigators found that out of some 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, seven were occupied by African-American families.

Not very convincing. The racist with 7 buildings full of African Americans during a non-inclusive time in history. Gonna have to do better than that Nom.

Side: Racist slur from the left
1 point

Good choice.

I don't know about America's adversaries but this Mike Tyson on steroids female lookalike (or should that be the way around?) sure puts the fear of God into me.

Already Iran has announced the scrapping of its Nuclear bomb programme, erected a 50 metre high bronze statue of President Trump in Shah Square, Isfahan and abandoned the nation's Islamic faith which will be replaced by Christianity.

Russia has reduced its nuclear arsenal by 90% and decided to fall in behind the U.S., and join N.A.T.O.

China has cut back its standing army right away down to only fifty million, (50 million) scuttled its entire navy, reduced its air force to 4 WW1 bi-planes and turned its artificial islands into luxury 5* resorts for western tourists.

God damned clever man this President Trump.

Side: Racist slur from the left

That's not all...

I heard that the Democrat Party was going to allow each community the freedom to decide for themselves if they wanted religious symbols on public grounds during Holidays, and a Prayer at beginning of school day (with no child forced to pray of course).

Democrats just pushed a Bill that says boys can no longer play in Public school girl's sports.

Democrats running for President all signed a contract declaring they would uphold the Hyde Amendment.

The Democrat Party is trying to build a wall on the border, much taller than Trump's!

The Democrat Party just became Pro life, and will finally give the right to life for our most vulnerable unborn babies!

The Democrat Party will finally defund Planned Parenthood until they stop performing abortions.

The Democrat Party spoke out against Drag Queens talking to our children in public places, and Transgender people talking to our kindergartners.

This female General has got my vote!

Side: Racist slur from the left