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 Questions for non-christians (7)

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Questions for non-christians

I need you to answer these questions for me please (School project)


1) What do you think of the bible (Ex. magic book, full of errors, word of God) and why?


2) Do you believe in prophecy? and why?


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4 points

1) What do you think of the bible (Ex. magic book, full of errors, word of God) and why?

I am an atheist by way of nihilism. This more or less means that I arrived at atheism by starting with the rejection of everything assumed to be true, including the Bible. There is absolutely no objective evidence that supports the conclusion that the Bible is the word of God (let alone that God exists). There is, however, ample reason to suspect that the Bible was written by people and represents little more than a mediocre piece of fiction that borrows much of its content from other stories which preceded it (e.g. the great flood and Noah's Ark has remarkable resemblance to the great flood in the Babylonian Epic of Gilhame, etc.). Its multiple inaccuracies regarding the natural law and order of our universe as subsequently discovered by science further undermine its credibility. Take this in conjunction with a well documented history of humans inventing other fictional religions (a disposition attributable to a particular genetic sequencing by the way), and there is plenty of reason to suspect the Bible is just bad fiction with a large delusional fan base.

2) Do you believe in prophecy? and why?

No, primarily because there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that prophecy is anything more than superstition at worst and informed guessing at best. I am disinclined to believe in something without any reason to do so.

2 points

Well said

If we care to look into pre-christian history there is much to be said for the contributions it has made to the writing of the bible.

And what is it, quite simply - a book.

Prophecy is just the wishful thinking of the superstitious and used by people who use coincidence in their attempt to make others believe in something that does not exist.

2 points

1) I think the Bible is solely attributable to man, and has nothing to do with the word of God. I ask myself why God would do things the way they currently exist and it doesn't agree with what the Bible says. I think it was created as a tool to help bring people together and should be treated as such.

2) I don't believe in prophecy. Prophecies are so generic that they almost always apply to any time period.

2 points

I think it is a book which was written over a long period of time by a collection of clever and well meaning people who were trying to understand the world in which they lived and produce a moral and ethical code of practice by which mankind should live . Science in general and astrological science in particular was at a very undeveloped stage so the academics of the day tried to explain the inexplicable with what little scientific knowledge which was available, virtually zero. The option of the supernatural was an easy and convenient way to rationalize and account for the great mysteries of life on earth and the stars in the heavens. The Bible is a great book, and whilst it's scriptures have been overtaken by science, it is still full of wisdom and sound teachings.

1) What do you think of the bible (Ex. magic book, full of errors, word of God) and why?

The Bible is a book, or at least a collection of writings, from a couple thousand years ago. It was created in part to guide people towards what the writers thought of as being morally sound, and in part to control people and force them to become dedicated to a few particular people with power. The book uses fear tactics and threats of eternal torture to help gets it's goal across.

I see the fact that people still treat this book as fact or as something supernatural to be somewhat ridiculous. Even if existence had a creator, why would it be something that is identical to the way anyone imagined it?

The book is a piece of fiction, but I think it is a very dangerous one because of the importance people place on it. I agree with some of the morals inside, but think that these morals should be presented in the book in a context of 'do this because it's the right thing to do' rather than 'do this because God said so' or 'do this or else you'll burn for an eternity in hell.'

2) Do you believe in prophecy? and why?

If by 'prophecy' you mean the ability to correctly predict events without any evidence or reason to predict these things (i.e. magic), I do not believe in that because that is a somewhat ridiculous concept. As there is no evidence of this happening in reality (at least not with an accuracy that would imply that people are doing more than guessing or using clues to predict things) it would be silly of me to believe in that.

1 point

The bible is made up of all the various beliefs and fables of all the different empires that enslaved the Jews, from the garden of Eden to the flood, etc. It contradicts it's self constantly. The New Testament is written hundreds of years after the birth of Jesus, if he was born at all. His message has been so twisted by the men that followed him, until who knows what he really said? FYI, I am not a follower of any organized religion.

1 point

1.) What do you think of the bible?

- First and foremost, I am Agnostic; it was a long ( I guess you could say) spiritual and religious journey before I came to my current decision, I studied the bible for many years and I still do, but I disagree with the bible completely. The main reason that I strongly disagree with the bible is simply because, it's this little book that people allow to train and mold them into what is presumed to be "perfect and analytically correct" human, in a sense it almost destroys a person(s) intuition. I won't go into depth about all of the statements in the bible that I don't agree with, but I always looked at it like this, why should I spend the rest of my life reading and worshiping this book that has reasonable doubt written all over the cover.

2.) Do you believe in the Prophecy?
