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 Remember when Democrats laughed at the GOP's statement "drill baby drill"? (54)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Remember when Democrats laughed at the GOP's statement "drill baby drill"?

Democrats laughed at the GOP. They told everyone that increased drilling for oil & Gas would not cut the high gasoline prices at the pump. What a shock, again the Democrats were completely wrong, lost in their fear of environmentalist campaign doners.

It worked!!!!!!! All the increased drilling on "private" land has put a huge fear in Opec nations and has caused a glut in oil which has reduced the price of Gas! What's so typical of Obama the liar & chief? He is using these lower gas prices and TAKING CREDIT! Can you imagine the hypocrisy of a phoney politician? They will NEVER admit when they are worng, which is most of the time. Drilling on Government land went down during his term and all the drilling increase was on private land. So INSPITE of the Democrat party, we were able to increase drilling and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

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3 points

Gas prices were not high due to a shortage of oil, but from an increase in the exportation of refined fuel.

Among the top 10 U.S. exports above, mineral fuels including oil represent the fastest-growing export product posting a 170.2% gain over the five-year period ending in 2013.

Headlines read, In a first, gas and other fuels are top U.S. export

I always enjoy the lack of intelligence that comes from those that think Republicans are on the poor man's side. Just how much money did any of you make from them exporting fuel and wrecking the American economy with high gas prices? Drill baby drill made the oil people wealthy and the rest much poorer. Obama was right, not wrong.

As usual here on createdebate, facts are not important and ignorance runs rampant.

zico20(345) Disputed
2 points

And exactly how is the democrats raising taxes on the poor helping them. Just curious. Please don't make me list the thousands of taxes that the federal and state governments have tried to push through on the poor and middle class.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

What a joke you are. Every single news article about this oil price decline talks about how OPEC fears losing market share to the American drillers and is why the oil prices are going down. OPEC refuses to cut production to try and put American drillers out of business. DRILL BABY DRILL worked! Waste someone else time who is one of those low end voters who voted for Obama.

Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
2 points

If Drill Baby Drill works then why did gas prices of $4.10/gallon in july of 2008 drop to $1.60/gallon in less than 6 months later?

Click on 11 year history

2 points

Obama acts as though no one is paying attention to the statements he makes. He has been accused of acting as though there is no such thing as video tape.

These critics are missing the even darker truth that Obama is fully aware that he is free to say anything that will make him and his liberal cronies look good. He knows the media will hide his contradictions. He also knows that most democratic voters don't follow events closely enough to remember what's happening.

I agree and the key point you made is that the media will hide his lies. Obama has gotten away with lie after lie because other than Fox news his lies are a one day or no day event on the news networks.

PhilboydStud(79) Disputed
2 points

Remember when the GOP predicted that gas prices at the start of 2015 would be well over $5 per gallon if Obama was re-elected?

Supporting Evidence: 4 Things That Were Supposed To Happen (
1 point

Do you have any idea how many people get their news from non-tv sources?

Atrag(5666) Banned
2 points

Totally agree. They should spend more time laughing at statements from the GOP like:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we"

2 points

Supply and demand. Learned in economics 101. The more oil flooding the markets the lower the price will be. The problem is most liberals want gas prices over 5 dollars a gallon. The reason the liberals don't want the Keystone Pipeline is for fear the price of gas will stay cheap. Cheaper gas means more money for people which means less reliance on the government for hand outs. Liberals need people poor and dependent on them otherwise they will vanquish.

2 points

You really do know EXCEPTIONALLY little about liberals, so why speak for them? First, only some liberals want high gas prices, and those that do want it so as to encourage long-term solutions to the inevitable fall in gas availability. Second, liberals oppose the Keystone XL because it has little benefit to the US whilst burdening us with possible environmental problems along its route, as we have seen from other pipelines within this country, and all for the benefit of a non-US company. Third, this has nothing to do with "hand outs" or reliance on government, and liberals do not need people to be poor. That claim is probably the most ridiculous of all, consider the number of liberals WELL above the poverty line. Then again, the right can't decide whether liberals are all poor, or all elitist, so I shouldn't be surprised about your confusion. Too busy spreading lies, after all :P

zico20(345) Disputed
2 points

Oh please. Publicly liberals say one thing but privately they say another. Higher gas prices hurt the poor. Any liberal should want as much oil on the market as possible to help people who are struggling.

The Keystone Pipeline has a huge benefit to the US, who are you kidding. 42,000 temporary jobs that are good paying. A surplus of oil so we are not dependent on the Middle East for 25% of our oil. When was the last time we had an environmental catastrophe due to a pipeline break. Besides, a new pipeline will be more stable than ones built earlier on. Better technology will help prevent any problems.

All I here about is how oil is about to run out in the next 50 years. Nice try, but completely false. There are so many untapped oil reserves just waiting for us. Not to mention all the ones we haven't found yet.

Do you have any idea what percent of the people receiving hand outs voted for Obama? Of course the liberals need people reliant on the government to keep their votes. What do you think the whole Obama care was about. Free Medicaid for millions, even ones who could afford it. Liberals need poor people, deal with it.

I agree. There is no other possible reason for the insane things Democrats have been doing with making it so easy for lazy people to make welfare a career.

Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

Supply and demand. Learned in economics 101.

The more oil flooding the markets the lower the price will be.

Challenging the denying of lower oil prices =/= denying the law of supply and demand.

Both sides are using supply and demand to demonstrate the effects of their policies and other's policies. Some are arguing that the pipeline will encourage the exportation of crude oil, and thus raise US petrol prices. How the supply will be affected is being debating, it's relationship to demand and vice-versa are not.

The problem is most liberals want gas prices over 5 dollars a gallon.

Who would want that? Are there any Democrat states or counties that are approaching this number anytime soon?

The reason the liberals don't want the Keystone Pipeline is for fear the price of gas will stay cheap.

Nah, most liberals see it as an environmental hazard, and an overall hazard for the safety of people (which would include both terrorism and spills). I'm not saying that I agree with this, in fact, to me a pipeline sounds safer, cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and easier on our infrastructure than trucks and trains moving all that petrol around.

That being said, I don't see too many Republicans and Libertarians acknowledging these things as much as they should, they seem to be focused on the jobs. I suppose that the "jobs" part is just more in line with Republican priorities than the other benefits, so they aren't discussed.

Cheaper gas means more money for people which means less reliance on the government for hand outs.

Erm, by how much do expect the pipeline to drop the cost of crude oil in the US? People can't even seem to agree on what impact it'll have on oil prices, and I simply don't have the interest to look into it myself.

Liberals need people poor and dependent on them otherwise they will vanquish.

Ugh, why would I want to deal with having a poor person dependent on me? That sounds like it wouldn't be very fun.

1 point

To be fair, it's fairly self evident that increasing the supply of oil (or really anything that I can think of) will lower the prices, but another factor of the drop in oil prices was to economic damage.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Lower gas prices will be a net gain on our economy verses the damage of lost oil jobs.

Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

Did I say that lower gas prices aren't great? Did I say that they are?

My point is that gas prices can be lowered by having an otherwise subpar economy.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It's so hard for you to admit these obvious facts isn't it. This is why I hate debating Liberals. It's like pulling teeth to get them to admit the most obvious things if it hurts their argument.

Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

No, it really isn't hard for me to admit the obvious.

It was tough for me to admit that the conservative ideology and the religion that I was brought up to believe in is badly flawed, in fact I initially joined the site as a conservative. What else would I have to lose in conceding to allegedly "obvious facts"? You state your viewpoints like canon, and naively believe that two intelligent individuals simply cannot come across two completely different solutions without one having lost a bit of their mind somewhere along the road. It's bad enough that you're being intellectually lazy, but you have to go about and talk down to me.

Instead of addressing my individual arguments, you've basically left me with a very lazy reply that puts the debate in a dead end (which you would probably want). The debate begins to fall apart when one of us stops giving effort.