
Debate Info

Debate Score:29
Total Votes:29
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addltd(5144) pic


This is the Thirty Second in an ongoing series of spotlight debates.  The purpose of the debate is to "roast" the user (and when I say "roast", I mean in a nice way).  Please share all the good, humorous, and otherwise positive aspects about this important user of our community.  Don't worry, I will be creating one of these every few days so your name may show up next!


Akulakhan's Profile -


Thirty First in the series - Liber -


Thirty Third in the series - Kinda -


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3 points

Akulakhan is cool... looks like a stoner, but he's cool.

1 point

Looks like a stoner, I'll take it as a compliment ahaha. Thanks for calling me cool, you're pretty handsome yourself!

Hardcore left wing liberal, who only rivals iamdavidh.---------------------

2 points

That'd be funny if I weren't a moderate, goof! Golly when's the last time you asked me about it anyhow? You don't return my calls, or even look at me the same way...

He' s a left wing dude who loves football, whats there more to say?

I wish he actually was a stoner instead of just looking like one, oh the conversations we would have...

1 point

I'm sorry to inform you that I give zero fucks about football, and in fact I'd like to know how you came up with that ahaha. You're right to guess I'm not a stoner, but for all intents and purposes, I come across as that down to earth but still maintains a job kind of stoner. "Hey man, check out this Sleep album."

You don't like football, ah must of been someone else.

Yeah, and I guess you could come across as the whole "dude, check out the Dirty Projectors' album Rise Above, its got a bunch of Black Flag covers on it man."

Who...? Relevant people in the spotlight please.... .

Akulakhan(2985) Disputed
3 points

When you've been here three plus years, you kind of skip all the repeat debates. I've tried several times to bring new types of debates and conversations to the table, but people are mostly interested in god and how wrong it is to be a gay feminist having an abortion.

Haven't spoke to him much, but having read his posts, he seems like a funny guy with his head screwed on.

1 point

I appreciate it Chuck! Hell I'm an open book, what would you like to know?

1 point

SAYWHAAA! Radical man! I appreciate it Andy!

Akulakhan trolled my debate and ruined a perfectly good fantasy I had going. Now I know what it feels like ;)

1 point

Wait,... what? No!!! Oh wait it totally was me! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Akulakhan: 1, joecavalry: 22479 and counting...

Joecavalry, the only person I've ever co-headed a debate with. Hope that didn't cramp your style too bad...

Nope. I go with the flow ;)

1 point

Smart guy. If he posted more I'd probably be here more often.

2 points

Ahaha thanks! I just don't find the time usually, or am too discouraged by the type of debates and volume of unrelated comments.

1 point

pretty nice person actually. even though i barely get to talk to him, but his debates are cool, they are pretty awesome.