
Debate Info

Debate Score:32
Total Votes:32
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This is the Fifteenth in an ongoing series of spotlight debates.  The purpose of the debate is to "roast" the user (and when I say "roast", I mean in a nice way).  Please share all the good, humorous, and otherwise positive aspects about this important user of our community.  Don't worry, I will be creating one of these every few days so your name may show up next!


ChuckHade's Profile -


Fourteenth in the series - Srom1883 -


Sixteenth in the series - johnbonham32 -

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3 points

One of three of the funniest people on the site! Cheers!

2 points

He joined a few weeks after I did, and I've always been impressed with his level of debating, scientific knowledge, and eagerness to discuss interesting ideas. All made the more impressive by his young age (15, I think, now).

He's one of the few people I trust to have a rational input on most debates - I've logged in a few times just to see his name on every debate I clicked on. He also loves a good joke, and the occasional presidential election (of himself, that is).

All made the more impressive by his young age (15, I think, now)

Still only 14, not bad to say I already have my own vice presidency. Did Obama have that? No ;)

Have you even started your GCSE's yet? I'm going to Uni next year and I'm proud of myself for having an interest in the sort of issues that we debate at the young age of 17, and you've got 3 years to go.

Not many encounters, so it is really hard to make an good accurate post, but he has good arguments, which are usually dominated by mine.

Oh PrayerFails... I knew I could rely on you to say something that compliments me, yet still manages to make you sound like the one being complimented :)

I can only gives complaments to those I do respect, and one is me of course, so it was only fitting.

2 points

Seems like a respectable young man.

Not extreme enough at the moment, but I'm sure as he gets older, he'll start taking all of his arguments into such logical extremes that it would make more debates more interesting.

One of the most solid debaters on this site. I'm always interested in what he has to say, especially when he disputes what I'm saying because I know I can count on a level-headed and well thought out point that I perhaps hadn't considered before. All of this is made more impressive by his youth.

I want to say something witty... But the retort will be sarcasm, just for a change ;)

1 point

One of the smartest younger teens on here, he is smarter than me and knows how to debate better than me.

1 point

;) All I am saying is, makes for a very long, very interesting debate! The soul purpose anyone would join this site. OK, you may not agree with people about thing, doesn't mean they're intellectually challenged! Chuck Hades isn't!

1 point

Chuck is one of my favorites on the site. He's not only extremely intelligent but he's hilarious too. I can always count on him for an amusing comment that is still a great argument in his favor.

Chuck's amazeballs, 14 with a formidable mind, when I was 14 I was trying to find somewhere to beat off in private and thinking about nothing deeper than music.

Interesting, smart and effective with a broad knowledge base.

Hey... I would still say a considerable amount of my time is beating off ;)

I don't doubt it.

I don't always go out of my way to pay my respects to Chuck..., but when I do..., I call him Charles ;)

I like the fact that ypu can have tons of fun while also giving great and interesting arguments!

1 point

Chuckie chuck chuck...what to say?

Probably one of the most intelligent users. Witty, smart, clever. A careful pragmatist.

If he has an intellectual flaw, it is that he either insincerely misrepresents his beliefs on issues where he deviates from the position one assumes he would take or he is attempting to justify a position he does not logically believe solely for the sake of holding it. Such a case is a rarity, though.

An atheist. A thinker. Perhaps one day even a dreamer.

If he has an intellectual flaw, it is that he either insincerely misrepresents his beliefs on issues where he deviates from the position one assumes he would take or he is attempting to justify a position he does not logically believe solely for the sake of holding it.

I think most of the time that's just devil's advocate, tbh. I'd get very bored very quickly debating the same positions over and over.

But, cheers :)

I ran with this guy in an election as the Fuhrer of createdebate... good times man, good times.

1 point

One of the most inspiring Englishmen on this site. His analysis of topics and use of advanced technical terms makes me forget he's only 14.

1 point

For being 14, this guy is a genius. You better become a brain surgeon with all that knowledge you have, or at least a nuclear physicist.

or at least a nuclear physicist.

At least?

1 point

I'm not going to believe the dude is 14 without proof! :)