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Of course ! Are you kidding me ?
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Of course ! (9)
 Are you kidding me ? (3)

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LadyLinkstar(415) pic

Should Prostitution Be Legal?

Prostitution: the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.

Of course !

Side Score: 12

Are you kidding me ?

Side Score: 4

Yes. There is nothing wrong with consenting adults agreeing to a transaction of a personal nature. It's their business, not mine.

Side: Of course !

While society should always strive to protect disenfranchised groups, attempting to legally forbid people from making money off of their own person is amazingly arrogant and unjustifiable.

Better to go with the approach many European states take, where prostitution is legal but heavily regulated, so that the option is there for those to take it but is safe enough to avoid the abuse that is so rampant in prostitution as it exists in the United States.

But as of right now, the way we treat prostitution serves only to harm the very women we claim to want to protect, as they are without the protection of the law and at the mercy of any "pimp" or "John" who feels like being abusive.

Side: Of course !







Honestly I have no clue what side I am on with this debate.

Side: Of course !

Yes, but regulate it a lot. Enough to prevent STDs and the constant abuse that goes on so often.

Side: Of course !

Well, to all intents and purposes it already is, only the name has been changed with an euphemism and it's now called marriage.

Side: Of course !
1 point

It depends. If all the parties involved truly are adults and truly are participating of their own free will then I see no reason it shouldn't be legal. But those are big ifs. There are so many examples of drug addicts and runaways and sex slaves and abusive pimps and even questionable age documentation in the pornography industry that proving everyone is consenting is its own challenge.

Side: Of course !
1 point

There isn't anything wrong with prostitution. You never know, they might need the money to support their families.

Side: Of course !

Prostitution in cases where all parties involved are consenting adults should be legal.

Side: Of course !
2 points

Yeah, let's make sex even easier to get, thus increasing rate of pregrancies, thus increasin abortion rates , thus increasing the rate at which STI spreads.

Woooooooo! I love total clusterfucks!

Side: Are you kidding me ?
andrevivey92(39) Disputed
1 point

You know what's funny about this argument? Sex is relatively easy to get any way, and won't get any easier if you allow and regulate prostitution. A matter of fact, our current illegal system of prostitution is the issue because it enables trafficking and abuse. At the same time, since its not regulated, you have high instances of abortions and STIs. Legalize it, regulate it. It would be no different from the porn industry.

Side: Of course !
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Sex is relatively easy to get any way, and won't get any easier if you allow and regulate prostitution.

It does make it easier , because then brothels would be opening in many places...and legalizing and regulating prostitution isn't going to reduce the current bulk.

A matter of fact, our current illegal system of prostitution is the issue because it enables trafficking and abuse.

It doesn't enable it. The system just lacks man power.

At the same time, since its not regulated, you have high instances of abortions and STIs. Legalize it, regulate it.

Prostitution being, illegal means that it is already being regulated, FYI.

The legalized regulation would only have an affect on industries and not any of the prostitution that is already happening.

Just because rates are already high, doesn't mean that it can't get any worse.

Side: Are you kidding me ?
1 point

Varying forms of prostitution are already legal and are practiced every day.

Some examples................

Many women marry not for love but for money and security. How many times doe you see a hot attractive woman with a homely nerd? Or a fat of guts who hasn''t seen his dick since Moses wore short pants. These women are simply whores.

Lobbyists and politicians often prostitute their morals for money, or for other types of personal or party gains.

Talented actors, artists and musicians often prostitute themselves when they do not stay true to their true art, but rather indulge in the moronic styles of the times so as to sell their product. This would be like, say, a classically-trained Julliard musician becoming a rap artist, since record sales are better in that brain-dead genre than in Classical Music.

So...the sort of prostitution you are speaking of, sexual, is simply one type. And yes, it should be legal since it IS for the most part a victimless crime.

Side: Are you kidding me ?