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Debate Score:70
Total Votes:70
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 Yes (30)
 No (26)

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Jungelson(3955) pic

Should Section 28 be enforced?

Section 28 forbids the promotion of homosexuality or homosexual behiviour in schools and universities. 

 I mean really? In this day and age?

What do you think? Should Section 28 be enforced or not? ( If you're a decent person, say no!)


Side Score: 36


Side Score: 34
3 points

Absolutely. We should also extend section 28 to include heterosexual activities. Schools are not around to promote sexual living, that's what TV is for. Why should the same place that teaches about math and English also be used to actively tell people to go have sex.

Side: Yes
2 points

I agree, the last thing a school should do is encourage students to think about sex when way more important issues are at hand.

Side: Yes
1 point

Ok kids, today we have 2 choices, we can learn fractions or fucking. What should it be?

Side: Yes
2 points

I agree... I thought the word "promotion" was incorrect but Jungel-boy says that's what this section 28 says and no school should be promoting any sexuality.

Side: Yes
1 point

Oh now thanks for spelling that portion of my name right, not being sarcastic by the way. yeah I don't mind Jungel-boy, as long as you get the EL the right way round.

Side: Yes
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Schools are a place to teach youngsters. If that includes PSHE, then fine. Our school has and I am much the better off for it. Hell they were giving out sex help vids in year 5! ( Age 9)

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Did your parents get that kind of education? Did their parents? Isn't this something new? Well, my point is that they were able to figure it out. Why do schools need to teach it?

Side: Yes
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Really? When I was nine I just found "sex help vids" on the Internet like everyone els.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes it should be enforced. You are at school to learn knowledgeable things. You aren't there to have sex or have any sexual activity.

Side: Yes
1 point

Is it ok to promote sex between a boy and a girl? That's natural, right?

Side: Yes
1 point

What does your question have to do with schools?

Side: Yes
1 point

The school I went to had a ban on ANY form of P.D.F gay or straight. The hallways and classrooms just aren't the place for it.

Side: Yes
3 points

I wonder what that Russian asshole will say? But anyway, I don't know that this needs to be enforced but who is doing the promoting anyway? Like... why promote homosexuality in the first place? Why promote any sexuality? I don't get it... (also, I don't really care, I just want to see if BigOats is going to explode when he sees this, :))

Side: No
1 point

Haha, that should be interesting to see..!

Side: No
3 points

But seriously... I think your use of the word 'promotion' is wrong... why would anyone be "promoting" homosexuality? Don't you just mean that this section 28 opposes the teaching about homosexuality? I mean, they do exist so I don't really care if teachers say that but teachers shouldn't be promoting it... that sounds like they're trying to convert people to being that? Maybe it's just me... I think better when I'm drunk.

Side: No
2 points

That would be wrong to enforce that law. .

Side: No
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

Why? You should provide a reasoning to make your contribution more credible.

Side: Yes
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Gays have rights. It is wrong for schools that get my tax dollars to enforce religious stereotypes with government money. Such actions are forbidden by freedom of belief laws.

Side: No
2 points

No sexual orientation should ever be promoted. That's none of the school's business.

Side: No
Troy8(2417) Clarified
1 point

You're on the wrong side then.

Side: Yes
1 point

I'm on this side since 'promotion' is too broad and could be applied to just being in public. Being homosexual would be 'illegal' due to this loosely phrased term. As for schools that aren't universities, I don't think it should be 'taught' or otherwise promoted more than heterosexual things. Perhaps you'd learn about orientation, but that'd be it. As for Universities, well, each one is different. There is a gay group that's allowed by my University. For me it's not a big deal, but I'm sure for some of the students it's essential as it allows them to connect with other like-minded individuals without too much fear of rejection and other forms of harrassment.

In any case, from what I've read here, Section 28 seems foolish to me.

As for the debate creator's stance, saying 'if you're a decent person, say no' is rather under-handed and, if I might speak frankly, something an asshole would say. People are entitled to their opinions, aren't they? At least, that's what they seem to think here in America. If people want to hate on me, that's fine, so long as they don't threaten my personal safety or mental well-being.

So stop priming peoples' answers by saying 'no' is the only 'correct' viewpoint.

Because, let's face it, heterosexuality is the norm and is why the human race still exists today.

Side: No
1 point

Do you mean section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988? You know it has now been repealed right?

No it should never have been enforced. It prevented gay support groups being formed at university. Unlike what people have said in the other column 'promoting' homosexuality isn't about wiping your dick out and inviting people to an orgy - its about, amongst other things, promoting the idea that its okay to be gay and to talk about it.

Side: No
1 point

"(1)A local authority shall not—

(a)intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality;

(b)promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship."

Local authority means school districts in USA I think.

Both sub-sections should be read together. Despite what people in the other column have said, its clear the intention of this legislation isn´t to promote sex in schools but rather to promote that its okay to be gay - something that is extremely important to children and adolescents that have those feelings.

Side: No