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 Should Trump outlaw abortion? Isn't it lying if he doesn't? (5)

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GoodListener(603) pic

Should Trump outlaw abortion? Isn't it lying if he doesn't?

He said he is prolife but so far he hasn't acted prolife.
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Shouldn't people be able to "keep their doctor"? Isn't it lying if they don't?

1 point

Outlawing it all of a sudden might be a little risky, it would just be put back after his term; a good idea would encourage people to have children by increasing the social aid a family has when it has several children for exxample

1 point

Not until we have laws that make it easier to choose contraception or adoption or parenting..................................................

1 point

Hello GL:

The president doesn't make law.. Besides that, when has telling a lie bothered Trump??


So are you calling the Democrat Party liars? Democrat politicians rant every election cycle how the GOP wants to deny a woman's right to choose?

Every election we hear Democrats scream...THE GOP WANT TO FORCE WOMEN DOWN BACK ALLEYS AGAIN!

So tell me.... who is trying to fool who? You can't have it both ways!

Either the GOP is not trying to ban abortions as the Democrat Party claims they are (which makes Democrats phoney liars), or the GOP is trying to save unborn babies, ONE STEP AT A TIME!

Trump already did what he can do on his own. With one stroke of the pen, he stopped American tax dollars from paying for abortions in other nations. THANK GOD MY MONEY WILL NO LONGER BE USED TO KILL BABIES!

First it will be the 20 week limit compromise bill (except in cases of Life of Mother or other extreme cases) the GOP has tried to pass under Obama. They will now pass it!

From there it will be up to the electorate how far they will be able to save lives.