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 Should all people on Earth raise their hands to the Sun, at the same time? (7)

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Mariel33(456) pic

Should all people on Earth raise their hands to the Sun, at the same time?

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2 points

Sounds kind of fun. I think we should all do that. Ignore the fact that half the world will be doing it at night...

1 point

What would the purpose of this be?

............. ...............................

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Your college degree does not have an answer ? Why might that be ?

Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

To orchestrate the means to cancelling the Universe. To give humanity their historical event.

One could make the argument that objectively we are already, all the time. Unless of course you don't have hands.

Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

I mean as a global event. All people raising their hand to the Sun, in the knowledge that everyone else is simultaneously doing so.

Well, if it was possible, which due to the changing position of the sun it is not, ( the people on the dark side of the globe would be holding their hands pointing away from the sun) it would be a harmless but pointless exercise. Now a better experiment would be to have everyone on one side of earth to jump up at the same time. Is there a mathematician on board who could calculate the affect of such an event?

admiralbacon(229) Clarified
1 point

Actually, I know an answer to this!

Long story short, it wouldn't shift the Earth much at all.

1 point

They can't. At least half of them can only see the Moon.

Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

Symbolically then. As a "global event of history", surpassing the American War of Independence, or the defeat of the Nazis, or the fall of the Berlin Wall.

1 point

I very much doubt this unifying event would even nearly compensate all the imaginary wedges between people and cultures

Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

Why do you think that? If the wedges are only imaginary, why can't the physical overcome them?

Nomoturtle(858) Clarified
1 point

I personally believe they are for the most part imaginary, but generally they are seen as real.

The physical act of lifting hands towards the sun is entirely irrelevant, it may as well be a phrase which is understandable across any language, or a bodily feature every human has.

The symbol that would provide as a connecting quality or unity of thought or ideas bring people together. However we already have many such qualities that should do this, yet we subdivide ourselves further regardless based on minute details, as if seeking enemies.

But even if we didn't throw this united action aside with the rest, it wouldn't come close to patching all the holes between people who've decided to set each other apart.

I don't think it's as gloomy as i've made it sound though. Things do generally seem to be better now than they were any number of years ago