
Debate Info

Embrace it Don't go there
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Embrace it (2)
 Don't go there (1)

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Grenache(6053) pic

Should robot warfare be embraced or not?

It's coming.  Should we hail it as a way to not put people directly into fighting, or fear it as a cold efficient way to eliminate people, period?

Embrace it

Side Score: 2

Don't go there

Side Score: 1
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1 point

I'm sure we can't stop it now. They're too far along. And I'm not saying it's going to end up full Terminator mode in the future. It's just we already know how terrible the slaughter of civilians and innocents can be with existing war tech, and now if you add autonomous killing units out on the prowl doing the bidding of whomever controls them then it can be a whole lot worse. And it doesn't even have to be governments. There could be rogue gangs and criminals who would use things like this for personal gain or revenge. And sooner or later, depending on the nature of the weapon, then you're even going to have NRA nuts insisting they have a 2nd Amendment right to own their own AI smart weaponry.

The only saving grace in all of this is history shows us our toys do break down unless we constantly replace them. If the sh t hits the fan we may be screwed until the machines literally break down. You've just got to hide for a good decade or two first.

Side: Don't go there
1 point

I don't think we're going to make it that far Grenache. It looks like we plan on killing each other and destroying the planet before we get that far along.

Side: Embrace it
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You say....."It's just we already know how terrible the slaughter of civilians and innocents can be with existing war tech"

Yes, we all know how terrible the slaughter of even viable unborn babies for any reason up to birth is today. That of course does not bother you in the least. There will be no debates created by you speaking to the inhumanity of abortion on demand.

You dare piously preach to others who would more effieciently kill the enemy (and you claim might kill more innocents) while you purposely support killing our most innocent unborn babies.

How can you keep putting out these Leftwing bleeding heart debates when you and the Left are the worst offenders of supporting the taking of innocent lives.

Oh, wait a minute, I forget. You simply say that the law of the land says No Restriction abortion is ok. That excuses you of all inhuman culpability.

Yet here you are judging our military leaders for what they are doing (to protect our soldiers) regardless it is legal.

Why are the priorities of the Left SO SCREWED UP?

Side: Embrace it