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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:32
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Srom(12120) pic

Should we have single sex schools?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 14
2 points

Yes, it would cut down on teen pregnancies.

With out the distraction of the opposite gender, the students will be able to focus better during school.

Side: Yes
Kite626(714) Disputed
1 point

I have attended an all male school, your prediction isn't the outcome...

Side: No

Some dudes were getting pregnant? That's some serious sht.

How did they have the babies? c-sections?

Side: No
4 points

Not unless you want more homosexuals :D !

Side: No
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
2 points

I don't think that is how homosexuality works...

Side: Yes
Kite626(714) Disputed
3 points

I was making a joke... Obviously it doesn't work that way. I'm straight, did i choose this.. no?! I understand homosexuality doesn't come from a choice.

Side: Yes
2 points

Is that how homosexuals become "gay"? Huh! I never knew.

Side: No

It's unnatural to not to have the two gender's mixing.

And also if they don't many people who are in fact straight by birth may become "confused" and think that they are Gay when they are not because they haven't go to mix with the other sex.

Side: No

Yes. Why wouldn't we want children growing up with no idea how to interact with the opposite sex? It's certainly been a huge success in the Muslim world.

Side: No

That's a bad idea to separate children and teens because of their sex. Same genders have the ease of compromise, but what would be the benefit for kids who won't accept the opposite gender as even. NOT everyone, but children believe in what they are told and they got to visually analyze. - The contact of different sexes is natural and attractiveness to opposites comes by instinct. And the separation won't enhance education rates positively. - And I don't want to sound like, girls can never meet boys outside school grounds.

Side: No
1 point

no because everyone should have a faire education and we are equal

Side: No

This would lower people's social ability to interact with members of the opposite sex, and could lead to increased gender stereotypes, thus returning to the days of sexism.

Also, just curious, creator of this argument.... you doing Public Forum at National Forensics League districts? This is the question people will be debating...

Side: No