
Debate Info

Star Trek Star Wars
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:10
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 Star Trek (3)
 Star Wars (2)

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xMathFanx(1722) pic

Star Trek vs Star Wars

"Star Trek has its origin in television. The franchise was conceived in the style of the television Western Wagon Train and the adventure stories of Horatio Hornblower, but evolved into an idealistic, utopian prospect of future human society. Inspired by Gulliver's Travels, Star Trek's main focus is of space exploration and a galactic society consisting of multiple planets and species, where conflict occasionally occurs. Star Trek occurs in the relatively distant future, specifically the 22nd through 24th centuries, with occasional time travel. The Earth of the Star Trek universe shares most of its history with the real world.

Star Wars has its origin in film. Star Wars mainly belongs to the space opera subgenre of science fiction that was inspired by works such as Beowulf, King Arthur and other mythologies, world religions, as well as ancient and medieval history. It depicts a galactic society in constant conflict. Though there are periods of peace, these are only documented in novels, comics, video games, non-feature films and other spin-off media. Star Wars is set "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away," although many characters are human, occasionally use Earth metaphors and exhibit human character traits."

Star Trek

Side Score: 5

Star Wars

Side Score: 2

I'm not particularly big on either, but I did go through a phase of watching Next Generation and there is one episode where Q sends the Enterprise beyond the limits of the universe. It's pretty awesome. Picard is all like, "WHERE IS THIS PLACE??!!"

Side: Star Trek
1 point

It's REALLY going to depend on which Star Trek. Anything but TNG and I would choose Star Wars over it with the exception of Ep which case I would choose ANY ST over those.

So. Star Trek TNG beats all.

Side: Star Trek
FactMachine(430) Clarified
1 point

Most people who have that bias against episode 1-3 don't fully understand their plot and are just focusing on the negative aspects (which there are plenty of) meanwhile the original trilogy has already made a much stronger impression on them especially if they watched it from childhood, so they will always be biased. There are a lot of things about Star Wars, especially in episode 1-3 that are implied but never directly explained, so if you are not very knowledgeable about SW or can't tell that episode 1-3 are much more complex than the original trilogy chances are you are just relying on personal bias.

Side: Star Trek
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Oh I admit that I'm biased. I think the poor acting killed it for me plus the addition of JarJar which.......yeah. The STORY itself is good though common but it was the execution of it that really hurt 1-3 for me.

Side: Star Trek

1: I'm much more familiar with Star Wars but from what I've seen of Star Trek it seems less impressive to me.

2: Star Trek is fraught with physics fallacies and petty attempts at sounding scientific when it's clear to anyone who has basic knowledge that 99% of their quantum bullshit is a gross misrepresentation of how shit actually works in order to bend and stretch the mechanics of reality to conform with the whims of the show's writers.

3:Both Star Wars and Star Trek are blatantly inaccurate in their portrayal of the technologies and social structures one should expect from advanced civilizations. Take into consideration the simple fact that these are fictional type one and two civilizations being conceptualized by people from type zero civilizations, our values and psychological traits are therefore projected onto beings who should be vastly more advanced than us, it's like expecting an ant to behave like a human. When you consider that, it's pathetic how in Star Wars (wherein larger galactic governments exist but the technological level is technically Kardashev 1 if you discount the warp drive tech, which technically shouldn't be in Star Wars when you consider how advanced that is compared to other Star Wars tech.) there are still type zero governmental and socioeconomic structures and a significant lack in certain tech such as nanotech and renewable or highly efficient energy sources, while at the same time their ability to travel through space is blown out of proportion. Star Trek is even more pathetic in this regard because Star Trek has Type 2 Kardashev civilizations with the same socioeconomic bullshit and even more technological fallacies.

4: Star Wars actually has a point, Star Trek is more about wandering around through space and getting into conflicts with random aliens, Star Wars is about a cosmic force being kept in balance and the battle for freedom and justice in the galaxy.

Side: Star Wars
0 points

Star Trek is fraught with physics fallacies

And of course strangling people with the power of your mind is perfectly realistic.

In actual fact, for the most part Star Trek prides itself on being true to scientific theory. Can you give some examples of these "physics fallacies" without searching through nerd threads on Google? I doubt you can.

Side: Star Trek
FactMachine(430) Disputed
1 point

There is a difference between a fictional energy field and a failed attempt at incorporating real physics in a fictional setting you nerf herding sack of bantha fodder.

Side: Star Wars