
Debate Info

Good Evil
Debate Score:50
Total Votes:65
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 Good (15)
 Evil (12)

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The Bible

Is Biblical Scripture good or evil?


To both sides:  I don't want just opinions.  I want facts and logical arguments.


Nothing like, "The Bible is good because it says its good," or "The Bible is evil because its just common sense."


Side Score: 25


Side Score: 25
2 points

The Bible is good because it provides us history of what happened in the past like in the Old Testament. Without the Old Testament we wouldn't know that God created the earth and other things that happened in the Old Testament and the miracles He worked with other people (Moses) .

The Old Testament prophecied of the coming of the Messiah and it became true because look at the New Testament. Also in some parts of the Old Testament it prophecied the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The New Testament was the fulfillment of the prophecies of the coming of the Messiah and that He would save us from our sins because no one was worthy enough to die for our sins and so Jesus stepped in and showed us how to live life properly.

The Bible has influenced civilizations, and has transformed lives.

Without the Bible we wouldn't have any evidence that God existed and Christianity wouldn't be around.

Here is a link about the Influence of the Bible.

Side: Good
Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

The prophecy of the messiah was fulfilled by Isaiah himself. He had prophesied a a baby would be born that would end a war, and lo and behold, it was born just in Isaiah 8.

Jesus's prophecy had already come true.

But either way, the Bible's history is wrong. You are taking a book far too seriously. The history of the bible is nothing more than a bunch of myths. Yes, they did take place long ago, so it would make sense that some of them are true, such as your King Herod's coin thing, but in general, if you do research, rather than closing your mind to contradicting info outside the bible, you would quickly learn that you are wrong for several reasons.

Side: Evil
Srom(12206) Disputed
0 points

The prophecy of the messiah was fulfilled by Isaiah himself. He had prophesied a a baby would be born that would end a war, and lo and behold, it was born just in Isaiah 8.

So what your saying is that Isaiah rode on a donkey, died on the cross for our sins, healed the sick, and opened the eyes of the blind, told parables, and rose again from the grave? You said that the prophecy of the messiah was fulfilled by Isaiah.

Isaiah didn't fulfill any prophecies. All he did was write the prophecies.

Before you start throwing chapters out in the Bible and taking them out of context actually read what the Bible has to say on that particular verse. And what you said about Isaiah being the messiah is false.

Isaiah 7:14 says "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Isaiah 8:3 says Then I went to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, "Name him Maher-Shala-Hash-Baz.

Chapter 7 of Isaiah was talking about the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and same thing with Chapter 8.

But either way, the Bible's history is wrong. You are taking a book far too seriously. The history of the bible is nothing more than a bunch of myths. Yes, they did take place long ago, so it would make sense that some of them are true, such as your King Herod's coin thing, but in general, if you do research, rather than closing your mind to contradicting info outside the bible, you would quickly learn that you are wrong for several reasons.

No the history of the Bible is not a bunch of myths. Why did God tell Isaiah and all the other authors of the Bible to record what happened? God wouldn't lie about anything to anyone about what happened.

I have done lots of research and I find out that the Bible is not contradicting and I learned that the Bible is right and not wrong.

Archaeologists and scientists keep trying to find fault with the Bible and they keep getting stronger and stronger evidence that the Bible is true and not a myth.

Side: Evil
1 point

I'm on the good side just to make someone grumble, but I have a strange feeling that it's not possible for an inanimate object to have a particular alignment.

It's like calling a rock evil because someone carved a pentagram into it.

Or like calling a pentagram evil because someone said it was evil.


Side: Good
Emperor(1348) Disputed
0 points

Well, the difference between the Bible, a rock and a Harry Potter novel is that the Bible is filled with rules that people actually believe in and follow. These rules are detrimental to society as a whole.

Side: Evil
Warlin(1213) Disputed
1 point

There's a lot of fairly terrible things you can take away from it, and a lot of fairly good things. So interpretation and what's picked and what's denied is more pertinent than the text itself.

I daresay the viewer determines its nature.

Side: Good
1 point

The Bible is good, because its history. Many people who have studied the Bible has indeed found it to be true. Its reliable, also it can really be helpful to become a better person. It has variety of things such as historical pov, poems, the good news, the early church, and signs to things to come. Anybody who reads it should have comfort in it.

Side: Good
1 point

Whether you like it or not, the moral teachings of the Bible are very useful, even though it was written about 2000 years ago.

The Bible shows guidance to people who need it, and gives people something to fall back on (religion) if they need it. The Bible explains things people may not be able to understand or comprehend from another perspective and some of the stories that it comprises are very useful for historians who wish to discover more about the past. From it we do not just learn about God, religion, Jesus, and many other interesting things, but we also learn about history, and some things that you may not necessarily expect to find in the Bible.

Side: Good
1 point

The Bible contains principles that deal with family life, work habits, and relationships with others. Its principles apply to all people, and its counsel is always beneficial when followed.

Consider Jesus' "sermon on the mount" found in Matthew chapters 5-7. In this masterful teaching, Jesus spoke on a number of topics, including the way to find true happiness, how to settle disputes, how to pray, how to have a proper view of material things. His words are just as powerful and practical todya as they were when he spoke them.

I remember the movie about Gandhi, and how he noted the sermon on the mount, and that no one had "ever tried it", that is, to follow Jesus' advice in it. I remember that specifically because there are so many religions in the world that call themselves "Christian." Yet, considering their behavior, I had to agree with him.

Side: Good

The bible can be put to good use as you can see here. ;)
Side: Good

There are good parts in the Bible as well as bad parts in the Bible. The bad parts pertaining toward violence should be removed.

Side: Good

Scripture is a tool. Its just dogmatic text, vague and ambiguous enough to be completely open to self-interested interpretation. Whatever opinions you hold will find verification in scripture. Scripture is not inherently good or evil; it just is. It is the way that people interpret scripture that is important, important because it has an impact on society and important because it truly shows what kind of person the interpreter of the scripture is, and from there we might guess as to if that person is good or evil, but the scripture does not make it so. If you want love and forgiveness and peace, you'll find that in the Bible. If you want sadistic cruelty and vindictive hatred, you'll find that in the Bible. It's which parts catch your fancy, which parts you choose to include in your life - that's what's relevant, here.

Side: Evil
NivaZimel(135) Disputed
1 point

That's not true that whatever opinion you have will find verification in scripture.

Churches admittedly have formed "church doctrines", which they hold as a higher authority than the Bible. For instance, one doctrine says that religious leaders are not to be married. But the BIble states unequivocally that this is a "teaching of demons."

1 Timothy 4American Standard Version (ASV)

4 But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons,

2 through the hypocrisy of men that speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron;

3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by them that believe and know the truth.

In this case, an organized religion is holding their opinion, for their own reason, against what is directly stated in the Bible. Nearly all of them do that, and individuals do it, too.

The Bible, really, can be quite specific. It's just that most people want it to seem vague so that they can make excuses for bad behavior. : )

Side: Good
2 points

Parts of the Bible are good, because the Bible is trying to make you be a "good person" according to what the god of the bible wants.

Parts of it are evil, because if you stop thinking of the bible as the word of god, you can no longer make excuses. You look at it, every passage, you don't pick and choose and you quickly see that it's completely insane and evil.

Yes, one should be kind to people like Jesus said, but if you are a reasonable and sane person, you don't need a bible to tell you that.

Side: Evil
1 point

Well, it instructs people on how to live their lives. Which is very un-healthy. It tells you what your morals are, which is bad because as a human being you shouldn't need a book to twll you what your morals are. It is quite sinister in the sense that it promises eternal damnation of you don't abide by it. That's how it works, pretty much pure propaganda.

Side: Evil
1 point

I don't think I can properly judge an inanimate object's moral character. I'd rather just call it inaccurate.

However the words it contain advocate both good and evil deeds and beliefs. Along with truths and falsehoods and contradictions. But none of the truths substantially prove divinity and absolute moral high ground.

Side: Evil