
Debate Info

Side A Side B
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:27
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 Side A (4)
 Side B (11)

Debate Creator

ThePyg(6706) pic

The Great Debate

Have at it people.  Which side is the superior side?

Side A

Side Score: 6

Side B

Side Score: 21
2 points

How about, it doesn't matter.

I really couldn't care less which direction the paper goes. All I care about is that there's paper on the holder, not on the counter, and that there's plenty on the roll to accomodate my needs.

Side: Side A
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
2 points

I feel so sorry for you and your descendants. It doesn't matter? Are you crazy!?

I can't even talk to you.

Side: Side B
1 point

I just thought it was really unbalanced so I'd sit over here.

If that's alright with you.

Side: Side A
1 point

Then why don't you become a conservative to help balance this web site out. (;

Side: Side B
2 points

Really! It's all a bunch of crazy liberals and Palin. I especially love how all the god and abortion debates are almost entirely one sided =)

Side: Side A

Please. Is this even a debate? It just flows so much better.

Side: Side B
2 points

It seems more natural this way, easier to reach for those moments in which you lose all your energy from pushing too hard.

Side: Side B

It's most definately the "B" side. It looks better and it tears better. Of course, in the outhouse, it doesn't much matter!

Side: Side B
2 points

It really doesn't matter to me. I just shove the TP on the thing and voila. But I do recognize it as usually appearing as Side B.

Side: Side B
2 points

This way, you can just sort of tap it from the top to roll it out. Side A makes you reach under the roll of toilet paper to turn it and sometimes it gets too close to the wall and you can't grab it!

Besides, the other side's arguments add up to "it doesn't matter", which isn't even pro-Side A! :p

Side: Side B
2 points

If it's on side B you can control more precisely the amount used. Which is important in regards to conservation efforts.

I also like to fold it up into a little triangle.

Side: Side B
2 points

When it is on side B, it simply sits on top when you rip it off, whereas on side A it can fall and roll to the floor and then get dirty.

Side: Side B
1 point

I hate it when side A happens.


Side: Side B
1 point

looks so much nicer with those little hotel triangle fold

Side: Side B
1 point

Does it really matter that much? I guess Side B flows better.

Side: Side B