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 The Left blames corporations while the Right blames Government. You decide..... (19)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The Left blames corporations while the Right blames Government. You decide.....

This is how I see the relationship between business and Government.

Politicians want money to win elections. That is their main passion in life contrary to what they would have you believe.

Corporations have lots of money! So it is no coincedence that Government uses it's power to get their greedy hands on that money.

How do you suppose lobbying started? When a person owns a business, he is constantly bombarded with Government regulations making it dificult to stay profitable.

Because of this our corporations have a need to stay involved in the powers to be who have such an effect on their livelihood.

So here we are with a love hate relationship between business and Government. Politicians will use their power to extract money from business by means of regulations (also known as extortion, backmail, what ever you want to call it)

I believe corporations must stay involved with politics to survive, and this is how Politicians extract money for campaigns, etc.

You scratch my back and I will scratch yours is how it has gone since the beginning of time.

People on the Left choose to blame corporations for their involvement in Government, while the Right chooses to blame politicians. Business creates jobs while becoming successful through hard work and risk taking. Government creates nothing while spending it's time extracting money from other's success.

I will always side with the working man over Government. What makes America great is the free market desire to get ahead and succede through hard work. This goal creates our jobs and drives our nation's success. The Politicians on the Left seem bent on punishing hard work and enabling laziness with this entitlement mentality. Obamas policies proved this with record numbers of people added to the food stamp roles even though they kept telling us our economy was doing just fine.

Yes we will always have need for a safety net to help the helpless, but the Left has gone overboard in their quest for votes. They are attempting to create a voting block of able bodied people living off Government whie using business and tax payers to fund it. I call this taxation without representation.

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I look at Government in a similar light to organized crime.

Remember the extortion money taking from business by the Maffia? Companies were told to give a monthly donations for so called protection, and if you refused, your business might burn to the ground.

Politicians asks business to fund their campaigns. If you refuse, the Bills going though Congress that might help your business, will not pass.

Extortion comes in all forms.

1 point

Where is your evidence that everyone on the Left, or even a quarter of those on the Left, blame corporations and not the Government? Please provide.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

My evidence is blasted over the media from the Democrat Party each election. It goes something like this.

Democrats scream every single election how the GOP only caters to the rich and big Corporate America. So if the Left does not have problems with Rich Corporations (which they constantly complain about not paying their fair share, et. etc.), why would they constantly say these things?

Where do you live? Under some rock? You are telling me you have not heard the same Democrat talking points for decades now?

Does everyone on the Left vote for Democrats? Maybe not, but the vast majority of them do.

So are you trying to tell me that these people on the Left, who most times vote for Democrats, do not believe what their Party keeps telling them?

It's the Democrat's number one election strategy of painting Repubicans as loving those evil Rich Corporations who supposedly are not paying their fair share of taxes.

Yes, the Left constantly blames Corporations for supposedly not paying their fair share of the taxes. It's like my debate said, Left wing Politicians are always after more money of successful busineses.

They complain that big corporations are hiding their money overseas. They complain they are not providing enough benefits for their workers. They complain that companies should be supporting workers from cradle to grave. They complain that Big Corportaions are responsible for the poor folks, etc. etc. etc.

It is laughable for you to suggest the Left does not constantly blame corporations for most things wrong with our nation.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Mint you need to understand the Left said corporations were not people but you shop online and you are buying your consumable goods from corporations and people have to fill your order so how is it corporations are not people.

Hornet(34) Banned
1 point

Each party should just be given tax payer money to fund their campaign rather than accepting donations. Problem solved.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

We are 20 TRILLION in debt and now you want more money taken from our paychecks and given to these corrupt politicians just so they can lie to us each election?

The Democrat Party is already forcing tax payers to pay to kill unborn babies and now you want them to pay for their elections?

Do you understand how much these idiots spend every election? Do you honestly think they would drastically reduce their campaign spending to get elected if it were tax payer dollars? They would be the ones deciding how much tax payer dollars would be needed.

They will always find ways to spend more than they should by robbing some other government program to fund it.

Sorry, but I don't believe that would work nor should it. I pay too many taxes as it is.

Hornet(34) Disputed Banned
1 point

First off, I support free abortions, because the people who can't afford an abortion are the same people who can't afford to raise a child.

But anyway, the democrats spent $1.4billion campaigning in the most recent election. That's a little over $4 per person (this includes everyone regardless of whether they pay tax, but you get the general idea). I would be ok with paying that in order to ensure parties aren't bribed by companies.

1 point

The Leftist need corporations to buy their consumable goods but their so twisted they don't understand the confused state they live in.

1 point

What do I decide? Your debate says 'you decide' so I decide what exactly?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You tell us which side of politics do you support. Do you think as the Left thinks which supports bigger Government and higher taxes, or do you think as the Right thinks which supports smaller government and less taxes so our businesses can create more jobs.

MeThatOne(60) Disputed
1 point

I like a government that's just the right size. ;)

Hornet(34) Disputed Banned
1 point

Firms wouldn't create more jobs just because they pay less tax so can afford more workers.

The only reason they would ever take on more workers is if demand for their product/service increased, they were expanding into new regions, or they were diversifying their product range.

Employing someone is a last resort for firms.

This is an interesting watch and it's quite short