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 The Politically Incorrect Forum (48)

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ThePyg(6706) pic

The Politically Incorrect Forum

Well, I don't plan for all subjects to be held here, but i do want to kick things off somehow.

Basically, political correctness is censorship and it's harming this country.  In order for us to defeat the PCfags, we must use comedy.  now, i've decided to dedicate this thread to only politically incorrect humor. 

Go ahead, pull a Michael Richards.  same some lulzy remarks about sexism. 


Also, I want people to start serious threads as well.  I'm thinking of starting the un-PC view on slavery in America (inspired by the black/white slaves debate).

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8 points

1. America's rise or fall has 0 to do with pc or anything so superficial as words that we define ourselves, or human body parts that we are born with, or even get enhanced through modern technology.

ie, if we as a nation decide to become completely puritanical or complete heathens makes no difference in our bottom line.

2. This is an issue that middle conservatives, and middle liberals can agree on, it's a case of the fringes on both sides trying to control natural human behavior... I should not have to swear on a bible to be a politician, Romney should not have to become a vegan to get elected in CA.

3. The only things that can bring down a nation of our size, money, and patriotism (only when tested) is a huge population spike in a mortal enemy who has their hands on some natural resource that we need, or apathy.

So, let the fringes hunt their witches so long as no one is burned at the stake, it is a free country after all.

but let me explain something very clearly.

There is a very human reason that you are not allowed to walk down the street yelling nigger, heb, beaner, fag, or cunt,

and that is because we are a young and silly animal that has not grown into our own brain yet.

There is a significant number of complete idiots who do not understand the difference between a label and reality.

These people only a few decades ago killed other human beings with more seratonin in their skin... because they had more seritonin in their skin.

A nation rose to power almost taking over the entire world, a tactical stoke of genius and evil, fueled by completely illogical hatred of Jews.

Today tribes in Africa practice ethnic cleansing daily.

I could go down the historical list of human injustices, and even injustices against white people when we were nothing but vikings and "barbarians" in the far north of Europe.

People cannot forget, and should not forget, past injustices so quickly. So long as any substantial amount of people equate a word with a rally cry to enslave or kill or rape, then that word should not be allowed in general public, until we, like a bunch of dumb school kids in detentrion, realize that it was never the word, but the meaning.

that said. I do not care about words. they are silly and meaningless and no one ever quite got the lesson "sticks and stones may break my bones..."

Here's the world we should strive for,

Heb = Hebrew, nothing more, nothing less, it's a group of people with a specific history, and that is all.

Nigger= a weird and incorrect morph of negro, which means black in a couple languages, nothing more and nothing less,

Cunt= a female body part, nothing more, nothing less.

Beaner= someone who picks beans maybe? honestly I have no idea.

of course there is more, you get the point.

There should be no such thing as a "curse" word, because we are all bright enough in this imaginary universe I strive for to realize that we define every word we use.

Moving on to visual censorship...

I should be able to watch the superbowl. and the halftime could be naked girls, or dudes, if NBC decides that's what people want to see.

Do you know why?

Because the reason sexuality is censored is because at some point it was decided men could not control themselves around women.

And so they need to stay covered, or they are a whore... meanwhile like assholes we really hope they take it off.

Girls want to see naked guys too, but that makes them whores, again. Sexism.

If a man is not man enough to control himself. If a woman's body is in danger because a man cannot handle enjoying her body and controlling himself, then he is not a man at all.

There should be no such thing as "porn," only people having sex.

Violence should never be censored. There is no horror movie that can re-create in any way what happens to a soldier whose body is blown apart by a land mine.

People not only should see this, they need to see this. A country whose majority does not participate in their military needs to understand the true price of freedom on some level at least, even if it is only the funerals of soldiers and photography from the frontline.

A people that understands violence, will not be so quick to use it. They will be quicker to realize the sacrifice of their forefathers, as well, and better appreciate it.

That's all for now, I tired myself out.

Side: just people
4 points

Remember how we were talking about the CreateDebate awards last week?

Here's my nomination for most down-to-earth, eye opening argument.

That was awesome.

Side: just people

Hmmm, maybe we evolved to the point where we are a young and silly animal that has not grown into our own brain yet because we are the top predator and this is the way nature has devised to keep ourpopulation in check. Just a working theory but... ;)

Side: just people
1 point

This is one of the most clever arguments I've read in a long time. I surely hope you get a lot more upvotes. :)

Side: just people
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Okay, great post much of what you said is true. But.....

Sex should not be on prime time TV when there are children around. It's inappropriate, plain and simple.

I think if you had kids you wouldn't want them to see that, you wouldn't want them to call people a cunt. (even if they didn't mean it) He could get himself beat up saying things like that. Is it cool that a word can get you beat up? no, I understand that.

I don't think you would want your kid seeing a soldier get ripped apart in a realistic way. Nobody needs to see that. I'm not all pees and carrots when it comes to movies but, come on. Correct they need to know they don't need to see it. At least not in a movie theater, for intertainment.

Side: just people
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Inappropriate is in the eye of the beholder.

My niece knows the word cunt is. Her lovely Mother, my shitty sister, has taught her a whole lot. But I have also let my niece know that it's a hurtful, and offensive word. And she values the feelings of others, so she doesn't say it.

If you are realistic, and honest with your children, they get it! They're not stupid.

Side: just people
4 points

Touching on the subject of Black/White Slavery and un-PCness, I would like to bring up the subject of affirmative action.

It was stated in the Black/White Slavery debate that America's history not only contains a history of black slavery, but white slavery as well, and slavery of all peoples exists today. Since this is the case, why are certain races and demographics given an advantage over others? I tend to focus on individuality more than the overall aspects of one's race, so I don't see why one person who is just as good of a person or less so given the benefit over myself. I was never a slave owner, they were never a slave, I never did anything negative towards them, and they have never been harmed by my actions. Is it just that I am unlucky enough to be born in the majority race who decides that we all need to feel bad for the others because of what some of our ancestors did to them?

History sucks. We all know that. Many, many, many bad and even atrocious things happened over the years, and just because some bad things happened in recent history and people are still thinking about them, some lucky people are given benefits and others are not.

I feel strongly about this. As a resident of Alaska, I experience the effects first-hand of a large portion of the state's land being outright given to Native Alaskan groups from different regions throughout the state. I plan on learning more about this in the near future so I can use more numbers and facts, but the point of the argument is that I, too, was born in this state, and just because my family hasn't been here as long as theirs, they get free land and I don't? Everyone's from somewhere, and almost nobody (if anyone else at all, anywhere in the world) gets these privileges.

I challenge anyone on this site to logically defend what is going on all over this country. It's not right.

Side: Racial Preferences
2 points

You are absolutely right. We are still paying for what happened many years ago. The US government did mistreat the native Americans but they need to get over it. I am of Irish descent and my ancestors were run out of Ireland by the British. So according to political correctness I should be given a vast tract of land because the British mistreated my ancestors a hundred and fifty years ago.

I like you am tired of being blamed for something white people did over a hundred years ago. I have been called racist because I am white and do not support Obama.

America is falling apart too many people are staying quiet because they are afraid that some one will call them a racist or an unamerican because they do not like Obama's policies. These are people who criticized Bush. There is very strong double standard put in place. You can make fun of the Irish, Catholics, or white people but the minute you say a black joke you are a racist. It makes me sad to be an American if this what are country is turning into.

Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

So when bush was in power, and we (democrats) disagreed with his policies and were called "unamerican" for 8 years, that was Okay?

But not now, of course.

ledhead818(638) Disputed
2 points

"It was stated in the Black/White Slavery debate that America's history not only contains a history of black slavery, but white slavery as well, and slavery of all peoples exists today. Since this is the case, why are certain races and demographics given an advantage over others?"

Affirmative action does not exist because we feel bad. Affirmative actions exists to promote diversity and primary to counteract de facto and de jure policies that prevent people who are disadvantaged from having equal opportunities. For example after the abolition of slavery and civil rights movements, how were blacks ever supposed to become successful? I am speaking even after colleges and employers were not allowed to discriminate. Blacks were statistically in a lower socioeconomic level and therefore their kids were not able to go to college. If their kids could not go to college, then the cycle would continue. Affirmative action ended the cycle of poverty and allowed for social mobility. This has nothing to do with making up for past wrongs. It is about allowing everyone the equal opportunity to succeed. Do you realize that without affirmative action, there would be far fewer blacks and other minorities in the middle class? By restricting social mobility you condemn people to permanently remain in their social class, and you essentially create a caste system.

Side: Quit whining bigots
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
4 points

No matter how one looks at the issue, it is still governing by race alone. In no way is it actually holding up to the merits of the individual, as there are plenty of white people in lower socioeconomic levels that have little chance of moving upward. Their kids cannot go to college.

I can understand a social reconstruction system following the destruction of the people during slavery, but there must be an endpoint.

There is nothing inherently wrong with people in minorities that determines them to be immediately placed within the lower levels of society, and I wholeheartedly believe this and that people should most definitely not be judged, at all, on the color of their skin, their name, or where in the world their family comes from. So why am I being called a bigot here? There's no need for this.

There must be a better way to remove people of all races, colors, and religions from the depths of this country, but you must remember that no matter how great the world gets, someone will always be at the bottom of the line, and hopefully the people down there will not be determined due to race!

rac·ism (rā'sĭz'əm)


1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

A definition of the word.

Although this is not "negative racism," this is a form of judgment based on one's race, and this type of system should not be allowed to continue if we ever want to distance ourselves from a society where one's race carries so much weight in society.

Side: Racial Preferences
1 point

Thank you for the down vote. You sure proved me wrong with your lack of response.

Side: Quit whining bigots
2 points

I feel the same way. I applied to the US Naval Academy this past year, but didn't get in, so I'm going to a civilian college for a year. Why didn't I get in? Most likely because the academy needed to have a certain amount of women and a certain percentage of minorities. It is so much easier for a female to get into that school than it is for a male.

But I'm sure you understand how I, a white male Christian, feel about preferential treatment. :) You even participated in the debate I made about it: Do_you_think_there_is_too_much_preferential_treatment_today

Side: Quit whining bigots
ledhead818(638) Disputed
1 point

That's some nice scapegoating there. It wasn't minorities' fault that you weren't accepted. You weren't good enough sorry. This whole racist "dey took oueer jobssss" sentiment is a cop out for personal faults.

Side: Quit whining bigots
4 points

Hey this is funny and un-PC. Perfect for this forum! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Family Guy - Slave Ship
Side: Quit whining bigots

So are you saying that this debate is a safe haven for political incorrectness? I can talk about throwing quadriplegic virgins into the ocean to see if they remain virginal and no one is going to delete it? Or talk about hermaphrodites contortionist that can lick their private parts and still not get censored?

Is it PC to use the term, "Holly Cow!" around an obese woman with large breasts?

Are midgets great limbo dancers?

If you catter to people's ass, are you a buttler? I don't know what that means.

Do merbutlers complain that mermaids smell like humans?

Why are clownfish not funny? Probably the same reason I'm not ;)

Side: Quit whining bigots
1 point

Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. No. Me either. No.

Clownfish are funny. I saw Nemo in the theaters 9 times.

Side: Quit whining bigots

Why hasn't someone come out with a personal lubricant called, "Butt Sex Butter" and have a comercial where they say, "Buy Butt Sex Butter and Butter your stick for a wild ass ride" ? ;)

Side: butt sex butter for a wild ass ride

There is one man who can say much better than I can all that I feel about the issue of political correctness. His name is Ricky Gervais.

Ricky Gervais
Side: Ricky Gervais
0 points

______________________________This is not 4chan________________________________


Tugman(749) Disputed
2 points

What are you trying to say?

50 character limit is very annoying

ledhead818(638) Disputed
3 points

Anyone who knows what 4chan is, specifically, /b/ knows what he is talking about. If you don't know, don't worry. Trust me you would do better to remain ignorant.

Side: Quit whining bigots
HGrey87(750) Disputed
1 point



























