
Debate Info

Socialist piece o shit
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Socialist (2)
 piece o shit (2)

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wankypoo(20) pic

The darkest parts in American history were caused by Capitalists

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Side Score: 3

piece o shit

Side Score: 6
1 point

I’m Jacob Rothschild. I’m the boogeyman you need to believe is in control of a world in which you have no control. Other, less ignorant people have the kind of control over their lives that economic freedom is conducive to. They aren’t concerned about me. They prefer responsibility to baseless blame.

Side: Socialist
1 point

Wow ! I wanna thank Mr Rothschild for my good fortune I pay just 1per cent tax over here in the good old Republic of Ireland as I have artists exemption ( thanks Mr R ) also I paid my mortgage off 4 years ago ( thanks Mr R ) ..... I lay awake at night thinking why the hell was I not born in that socialist utopia of Venezuela where life is so much more challenging and I guess .... fun .....

Nom you’re funny 😄 seriously funny 😉

Side: Socialist
5 points

The richest countries in human history were all capitalist.

Most people in capitalist countries have more than enough to eat, I phones, I pads, cars, central heat and air, internet, computer, 50"+ flat screens, and on and on.

Side: piece o shit
1 point

NOM check with Bill Gates THEN you can get your SOCIALIST foot out of your mouth !!!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

Side: piece o shit