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 The first Black president did what for Black poverty? Now Dems are talking first woman? (30)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The first Black president did what for Black poverty? Now Dems are talking first woman?

It is beyond stupidity to elect a President on the basis of their skin color or gender. Why is the Democrat party so lost in it's political correctness and divisiveness? Why must they always speak in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, financial class, etc. etc.

Obviously it's because they live and breathe the type of divisive politics where pandering to their voting blocks is all they stand for. If you are a successful heterosexual white guy, you might as well move to another country because Democrats will treat you with disdain.

What's next, electing the first Gay President? You laugh? I guarentee you the Democrat party will be pushing that very narrative the first time a Gay Democrat runs for President.

For the sake of all women, if I were you I would never vote for Hillary. The first Black president presided over the African American community dropping even farther into poverty and broken homes.

The Democrat party does not truly care for these groups they pander to. They just use them to get elected and then spit them out.

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Obama and the Left played blacks for fools; they played them against whites and riled them up to keep their minds off the fact that they are not advancing under our first black president.

1 point

like they did under the last guy???

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

How so?............................................................................

Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

I very much doubt that they played the blacks for fools. I think he did fine and brought several issues to light. When I was passing through Atlanta during his presidential run, I heard tons of young black people talking about him and mimicking him. He inspired tons of young black people, moreso, than anyone before him, this generation. Now, do young white woman need that? I don't really think so, since women are crazier the more confident they are, they are all mad. However, Hillary is a better option than Trump (at least for immigrants). I hope she becomes prez, does something cuntish and messes up, that way, women everywhere will see themselves for what they are. Gold digging, judgmental cunts.

Girls are mean and evil. Hillary must prove to the world how evil women are, by being a women that doesn't work from the shadows. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, we find documentation of Hitler's mother and wife being the ones who drilled bias into him.

1 point

They did in fact do so. All you have to do is listen to their talking heads play the race card early and often. MSNBC, is the PR adjunct to the WH and all they did was race bait, play the race card, dog whistle, speaking in code; you name, they played it, all without any evidence of it. They played it on Bill Clinton early in the first race. There is no one one off limit, apparently. All this was done to scare minorities, especially Blacks away from the right.

2 points

Democrats have elected many different "species" over the years, all have been MEN, so far. Mostly white senior males, Protestant. We also elected the first Irishman, the first Catholic, the first "black" President ... That's what they called Bill Clinton. He did so well for the country we thought we'd try another ... real one this time... And NOW, we might get the first woman President, and NO, we are not talking "First Woman", we are talking "First Gentleman" (or Dude, whichever.). That shows us to be a versatile party, not a party like that other one which only selects White, Rich, Males ... so... you lose.

The black unemployment rate has been cut in half...

(so has the white unemployment rate)

The lowest black unemployment rate on record is 7.6% in the year 2000.

The May 2016 black unemployment rate is just over half of one percent (0.6%) higher at 8.2%

Only 2 years have had lower black unemployment than we have right now - 1999 and 2000

Fighting voting rules that disproportionately affect minority communities

e.g.: north-carolina-naacp-v-mccrory-amicus-brief

1 point

If you are a successful heterosexual white guy, you might as well move to another country because Democrats will treat you with disdain.

The Democrat party does not truly care for these groups they pander to.

If the party does not actually care about the groups they pander to, that must mean they care about the groups they don't pander to. That means that if you are a successful straight white guy there is no better place to be.

AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

I am a successful, heterosexual white guy and I haven't felt any "disdain" from the Democrats. Whether they truly care for "these groups", they certainly care MORE for these groups than that "other" party!

2 points

I was trying to point out that under his logic you still wouldn't leave the Democrats as a white guy.

We have a black President, but there are still a lot of racists, so see - he failed.

Dumb, da dumb, dumb...

Republicans block his legislative proposals and then complain that more doesn't get done...

Dumb, da dumb, dumb...

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No! The racists failed to work with the "black President". The "racists" held a meeting, while he was making his inaugural address, and plotted against him. I don't know of any other President who had more high ranking "criminals" against him. He made liars out of them. He did NOT make himself KING, He did NOT organize a "secret army", he did NOT "take our guns", He did NOT "increase abortions" (they decreased), he did NOT attack us with black helicopters, He did NOT run for a third (or permanent) term. He did NOT raise taxes, He did NOT divide the country....the racists did! Black poverty was increased by that "do-nothing Congress" that wouldn't lift a finger to do ANYTHING to reduce raising the minimum wage when it was needed, allowing the health care we REALLY needed, creating jobs in America as opposed to China and Mexico. THEY failed ... as shown by their below 10% rating ( while YOUR idea of failure is over 50%).

Dumb, da, dumb, dumb....

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
2 points

Apparently you couldn't tell that I was being sarcastic.

Thanks for expounding the argument though.

These artificial employment figures have been politically engineered by numerous here today, gone tomorrow job creation schemes which have wastefully added to the national debt. With payback time racing down the track very soon the phony economy will be expose Obama's irresponsible policy of 'kicking the can up the road' for some other poor sucker and the taxpayers to deal with. All aboard the O' Ostrich's express, next stop, 'Reality Check'.

2 points

A) Do you think today's low employment is caused by the stimulus from 7 years ago? (If so, great job Obama!)

B) The deficit since then has gone down by about 70% as is back to 2003/2004 levels.

C) Reagan tripled the debt - Reagan + HW Bush QUADRUPLED it; W Bush started with a balanced budget and left the first 1 trillion dollar deficit and an economy falling off a cliff - yet somehow you think Obama's record is the bad one??

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
3 points

Well, if what you say is correct I'll drink, ''hic'', I say I'll ''hic'' drink to Obama, ''hic''. Here's to ya President, ''hic''.

Our economy will never get back to the GDP growth we had during Bush's term.

The annualized GDP growth for 4th quarter of 2008 was NEGATIVE 8.9%!!

That's what you want to get back to??

Reducing the disparity in prison sentences between crack and powder cocaine users

My Brother's Keeper task force to evaluate and improve mentoring and other programs

Defending affirmation action

Increased Pell grants

Investigating and making recommendations for police departments like Ferguson's.

Shut down scam for-profit colleges (disproportionately affecting minority communities) and is developing a plan to rate colleges to give people information on default rates, graduation rates, employment rates, etc.

"High School dropout rates are at a historic low, with the greatest progress seen among African Americans and Hispanics. Overall the national high school graduation rate hit an all time high in 2013 of 81.4 percent."


Millions more have health care due to the affordable care act.

1 point

Mr President, you've done a great job IN SPITE of the "do nothing" conservative Congress AND SCOTUS!

1 point

Pres. Obama is NOT black; he is Biracial. The title is improperly worded; it should say, "The First Half-Black president [...]."