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True False
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 True (8)
 False (3)

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KittenGirl(172) pic

The left has created a Trump that doesn't exist


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
1 point

Just as the German Nazi Party's anti Jewish propaganda was successful in the 1930s/40s so the Rad-left have, through systematic and careful planning demonized one of the most capable Presidents America has had for decades.

The loony left's reckless undermining of President Trump is severely damaging America's overseas image and diluting his ability to continue achieving the objectives necessary to ensure the full rejuvenation of the economy.

Side: True
1 point

For that, we would have to create a Trump that was honest, transparent, caring, followed the law AND the Constitution, was charitable, protected U.S. FROM our enemies (ALL of them), listened to what the majority wanted, respected women (and his wife), was a TRUE Christian (if he so claimed to be ;-), and was generally a nice guy. We have a LONGGGG way to go to "create something that doesn't exist" ;-(

Side: False
1 point

The left has created a Trump that doesn't exist

Hello K:

What's non existent are the $$ billions Trump supposedly has. The TRUTH about President Brokahontis WILL BE revealed in short order.

Bwa, ha ha ha ha.


Side: False
1 point

What's non existent are the $$ billions Trump supposedly has.

His assets are provably in the billions. And Maddow showed us he made about $170 million and paid about $40 million in one year in 2005...

Side: True
1 point

The TRUTH about President Brokahontis WILL BE revealed in short order.

Right. If I were broke, I'd donate my Presidential salary of half a million dollars per year to charity too...

Welcome to deductive logic 101. Step away from CNN. It's rotting your brain.

Side: True
1 point

If I were broke, I'd donate my Presidential salary of half a million dollars per year to charity too.

If you wanted to give the false impression that you were rich you would definitely give your salary to charity. You would then abuse the presidency to funnel money through your own private businesses. You and I both know that Trump's refusal to take a salary is a public relations gambit, so why do you pretend otherwise when his motivations are so blatant?

You are literally a Nazi Bronto. I'm sorry that you seem to be too stupid to understand what the Nazis were or how they manipulated public opinion to get what they wanted, but you are like a carbon copy of Joseph Goebbels. It's very annoying reading your spam, especially because your mouth is so big and you write so much of it.

Side: False