
Debate Info

Facts Deny Everything
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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 Facts (3)
 Deny Everything (8)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Three Minutes Of Amarel Continuously Goading Police Officers

Around 1.19 he demands to know whether the officer even cares that there have been 7 billion fatal stabbings this year.


Side Score: 5

Deny Everything

Side Score: 10
excon(18262) Banned
1 point

Three Minutes Of Amarel Continuously Goading Police Officers

Hello hater:

Amarel in not a Jew, yet you accuse him of being one.. I AM a Jew, yet you accuse me of NOT being one.

Dude! You are one fucked up person.


Side: Facts
2 points

Amarel in not a Jew, yet you accuse him of being one

Amarel is a Hebrew name, which you'd know if you were a Hebrew.

I AM a Jew

You're not a Jew. We have covered this hundreds of times.

Out please, you delusional valor thief. You can pretend to be anything you like in your own debates, so keep your lies confined to those.

Side: Deny Everything
Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
0 points

Furthermore, much like "BurritoLunch", Amarel is my actual name.

BurritoLunch is Argentinian right?

Side: Facts
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

You’re still not a Jew , we put that “theory “ to rest on DI and if you were a Jew you’re the first one ever to be outraged at the Holocaust being deemed a hate crime like you did on DI ......we haven’t seen your heels for dust since the truth all came out on DI .........

A “Jew “ who’s offended at the Holocaust being deemed a hate crime 😂😂😂😂😂 ZING

Side: Deny Everything
Amarel(5669) Clarified Banned
0 points

Amarel in not a Jew, yet you accuse him of being one

"Accuse" is the certainly the correct word here from BL's perspective. He views Jewishness as a problem and to call someone Jewish is, to him, an insult. This same hatred for Jews leads him to deny you your own heritage because he sees you take pride in it.

I think it's a more effective insult to deny your Jewishness than to assert mine. I don't care that he calls me a Jew despite my complete lack of Jewishness. He cares about that stuff, and you seem to as well. But I don't.

He could say I am black, canadian, moro, or any other group I am unassociated with and it wouldn't bother me because, unlike BL, I don't judge people by their superficial group identities. His antisemitism is indicative of his character. His group judgement undoubtedly extends to other races and classes as well. Racism is merely one brand of collectivism.

Side: Facts
2 points

He views Jewishness as a problem


You view truth as a problem. You'd sooner make up your own.

Side: Deny Everything
1 point

Looks like you did a little more than just touch a nerve there.

Side: Facts
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

I don't judge people by their superficial group identities.

Says the hypocrite who spent a weekend slagging off Ireland and the Irish , you’re a despicable two faced troll

Side: Deny Everything
1 point

I cannot tell a lie, it was him.


Side: Deny Everything
1 point

Well, this Jewish demonstration sure was noisy but it was passive and the only physical aggression came from the small bald headed thug who realized he could push the big guy around without fear of retaliation, and the cop who had also noticed that man-mountain wasn't going to strike back.

These two thugs were the villains of the peace and should have been charged with assault and battery.

Side: Deny Everything