
Debate Info

Uhh, NO it isn't Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Uhh, NO it isn't (3)
 Trump can do no wrong (2)

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excon(18262) pic

Trump said Senator Gillibrand gave him a blowjob.. Is that nice?

Uhh, NO it isn't

Side Score: 3

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 2
1 point

Did Ivanka have a headache that night? ......................................................

Side: Uhh, NO it isn't
1 point

if he said it well...he did a good job. soooooooooooooooo

Side: Uhh, NO it isn't
1 point

Can you prove that President Trump said this?.................................................................

Side: Uhh, NO it isn't
1 point

More unsubstantiated accusations against the gold plated president.

It's the spin you anti-trumpers put on everything that discredits you. You know what got me to look at Trump closer to begin with? The fact that he was running at all, yes... but all the outrageous things you haters kept throwing at him.

It was obvious even back in 2015 that the media and all these Trump haters will say anything and stretch any fact in order to lie and slander The Donald.

Which is messed up to me, because for once I actually like the president.

Yeah, I like Donald Trump. He's got moxie. He's the greatest shit talker to ever take office. Brilliant guy too. He's usually right. Seems like it.

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Last I checked, Liberals glorify this behavior... that is, unless it's Trump.

Side: Trump can do no wrong