
Debate Info

Why, if your way's smarter Guide the lemming plebs
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 Why, if your way's smarter (3)
 Guide the lemming plebs (3)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28599) pic

Trump won, so leftists started putting propaganda into comic books

Why, if your way's smarter

Side Score: 3

Guide the lemming plebs

Side Score: 7
1 point

I prefer manga .

Side: Why, if your way's smarter
3 points

Elect a clown …………. expect a circus! To the REAL comics (late night), Trump is the gift that keeps on giving! The only thing funnier than them is the "subject" …. straight out of a comic book!

The only thing is …. the "comic book" is about world domination and hatred, so, it's not so funny :-(

Where's Superman when you need him!???

Side: Guide the lemming plebs
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

ROAD ISLAND AL is very upset that HILLARY got a BEAT DOWN in 2016 !!!!!!! LMMFAO !

DUMMY go tie the shoelaces on your HOUSE SLIPPERS !!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Why, if your way's smarter
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Road Island Al is very upset that Outlaw can't forget that Hillary got beat. I know it, I've known it for a coupla' years now. Pay attention and YOU will know it too. Would you like a little cheese to go with that Whine???

Do to recent tax cuts by the government, they will start deporting all mentally ill people (and claiming they are Hispanic), to save money. I immediately started crying when I thought of you. RUN, my crazy little friend ….. RUN! ;-)

Side: Why, if your way's smarter
2 points

Cool story Bronto. Only it's weird that the only propaganda which anybody ever sees around here is your stupid, childish neo-Nazi bullshit.

Which chapter of Mein Kampf are you up to at the moment buddy? The one which teaches you to just make a bunch of stupid shit up? You seem to have been stuck on that one for a while.

Side: Guide the lemming plebs
1 point

Fuck the left, next, question, please........................................................................................................................................

Side: Guide the lemming plebs