
Debate Info

a thing called nuclear weapons other things; some bad things
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 a thing called nuclear weapons (2)
 other things; some bad things (2)

Debate Creator

NicolasCage(505) pic

What is uranium?

"You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things." - The President of the United States of America

a thing called nuclear weapons

Side Score: 2

other things; some bad things

Side Score: 4
1 point

Maybe you should do a little research into Hillary on Uranium ? Your Google working ?

Side: a thing called nuclear weapons

That's funny, though.

And we have fundamentalists fighting here for his every action.

Reminds me of a Hindi proverb - A one-eyed man ruling the blind. (Sight, here, of course, refers to intellect.)

Side: other things; some bad things
1 point

JEEZ! This is a Trumped up debate if I ever saw one! It also reminds ME of a saying: "Do not argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience!" (Mark Twain)

Side: other things; some bad things