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 What is your New Years Resolution? (13)

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Srom(12120) pic

What is your New Years Resolution?

For myself, to  graduate high school this year (wohoo Class of 2015!) I plan on reading the Bible from front to back by the end of the year, to get closer to God, and to get my driver's license. 

What are some goals are you going to set for this new year? 

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2 points

Go to the gym to lose weight. Improve my Spanish.

Noxter(92) Clarified
1 point

Why Spanish ?

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I live in Spain! :P

1 point

Yeah, same.

Yep, I also plan on getting back to lifting. I did it for about 5-6 weeks, but there were a variety of reasons why I stopped rather abruptly (apart from laziness). Right when my friends were starting to comment on a difference made, I had just stopped, damn it! I'm taking a high level latin class, live in South Florida and I have some family members that speak Spanish, so I've always felt like I could learn to speak Spanish much more easily than the average person if I were to apply myself. Taking Spanish in my school really only helps you for grammar, provided that you pay attention.

2 points

I honestly forgot to make one. Maybe it should be to look at the calendar every day?

1 point

Lose weight, get 3 CCNP, CEH and RHCE .

Release an album.

Noxter(92) Disputed
2 points

Release an album. from a window or some sort of captivity ?

3 points

From the captivity of my dark, tortured soul...or something.

Sorry. Everyone is calling me pessimistic and heartless lately, might as well live up to it.

1 point

To finish every song I start.

That would probably be a good one for me, but I tend to get a little delete happy to avoid the clutter.

1 point

This year like many of the recent past, I would resolve to enjoy as much as I may, in all the experience that awaits me.

Stop binge eating and lose weight. Meditate more frequently. Do more revision and preparation for exams and assessments .

1 point

Get driving license, eat better and get the grades needed to get into university :)

1 point

Although it necessitates many other (big and small) commitments, I've finally decided that my resolutions as a whole can be summarized as:

"Stop being such a neckbeard."