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 What kind of God allows mental illness? (8)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

What kind of God allows mental illness?

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One that either doesn't exist or isn't concerned about everyone's well being.

1 point

The same "god" that allows wars, famine, floods, hurricanes, any other kind of illness, terrorism, cruelty, rape, Trump and other disasters. An imaginary one. :-(

Chinaman(3570) Clarified Banned
2 points

Democrats were born into mental illness by the parents that hatched them.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Sooooooooo ………… You're saying ………… YOU, outlaw, were once a Democrat?????????????????? ;-)

1 point

Democrats were born into mental illness by the parents that hatched them.

Democrats, retched rats, they want to take our MAGA hats

The left is stacked against the facts, America needs less of that

a gun cannot pull it's own trigger you incessant sacks

of poorly digested crap left entrapped in the small intestine tract

yes I'm back on an alt, you're gettin' scratched with the salt

on the claws of the cat that assaulted you,

plus there's massive revolting package of faults

I unpack from the back of your skull and unmask your subconscious, revealing that you lack by default

the capacity for intelligent thought, never mind a comeback or insult

that can match what I've got

you'd rather get stabbed in the crotch

than listen to Outlaw rap when it's launched

directly at you as a response

when you act like a nonce

1 point

I always get a laugh at bigots who run down God by saying there is disease, death and disasters.

So what they are saying is that God should treat everyone the same and make it heaven on earth regardless our selfish irresponsible choices in life.

They are saying that there should be no benefits for choosing responsibility over irresponsibility.

God is the total opposite of bleeding heart Liberal no fault ideology. The Bible speaks many times to the sins of mankind, and does not sugar coat it. He puts the blame where it lies and speaks to the consequences.

Every time a person CHOOSES to drink too much, and then makes excuses for the so called mistakes made under the influence of alcohol? God says YOU are at fault for the choice you made of drinking too much.

Every time a person CHOOSES to squander his money on vices in life, and then moans about his poverty? God says YOU are at fault for the choice you made of wasting your money on self indulgence.

Every time a person CHOOSES to take drugs and becoming addicted, then making excuses for losing his job and destroying his family? God says YOU are at fault for the choice you made of using drugs.

Every time a person CHOOSES to live a promiscuous lifestyle, and then complaining about getting Aids or other sexual diseases? God says YOU are at fault for the choice you made of having sex with people who were not monogamous.

Liberalism, Progressivism is all built on a no fault anything goes ideology, and people wonder why there are so many problems in life?

Who knows why there seems to be more mental illnesses today. Were they a result of a mother's drug use during pregnancy?

God said that man is fallen and will experience hardships in life. But for Christians this short 70 years is but a blip in time when it comes to eternity in Heaven.

When a child dies, we wonder why God lets this happen. In God's eyes he is saving that child from 70 years of hardships and rewarding them with Heaven this very moment! All children go to Heaven.

1 point

I want to know why i have nental issues. I have the right to ask why. If you were any kind of Christian, you would pray for me.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified Banned
1 point

I already told you...

"Who knows why there seems to be more mental illnesses today. Were they a result of a mother's drug use during pregnancy?"

Yes you can ask why because if there is an increase in mental illness, there is a reason. Could it be increased drug use by mothers, the food we eat, chemicals in the workplace, who knows.

God gave us life, and never said we would have perfect lives. We get sick and die and no one gets a pass. The best we can do is to live a moral life because God tells us a moral life will keep us from many problems in life.

0 points

So what they are saying is that God should treat everyone the same and make it heaven on earth regardless our selfish irresponsible choices in life.

You are completely ignoring the fact that there are 5 year olds with cancer, and ones who are born into poverty or blown up by invading armies before they have a chance to make any choices. Your argument is automatically stupid because the mentally ill have no choice in being mentally ill either and there are clearly many people suffering who can't be said to deserve it. You are quite obviously incapable of even the most basic semblance of rational thought.

The Bible speaks many times to the sins of mankind

Yes, now that you mention it the bible calls all humans sinners. I suppose your basis for the argument above is that all humans are trash who deserve to suffer inherently unless they grovel at the feet of the being who deliberately designed them to be so flawed that they supposedly deserve to be tortured in hell by default until they are "saved".


Shut up you retarded parrot. No one makes choices before they are born that would warrant them getting cancer while they are babies or being born in abject poverty. You are a worthless, regressive sack of shit who doesn't even deserve to exist for being so fucking stupid.

Liberalism, Progressivism is all built on a no fault anything goes ideology

Conservatives ignore the root cause of people's choices because they are stuck in primitive mindsets about human behavior and full of outdated notions such as free will and sin. Nothing in neuroscience directly supports the notion that humans have free will and there is much more of a basis for the idea that we are largely the psychological product of our experiences and genes. In your world, people will always just randomly choose to do bad things and will need to be punished for it. In my progressive world, we look at the reason WHY people do things and try to mitigate their psychological issues rather than merely lock them in a cage.

When a child dies, we wonder why God lets this happen. In God's eyes he is saving that child from 70 years of hardships and rewarding them with Heaven this very moment! All children go to Heaven.

It's that kind of "logic" that leads people to kill kids.

Thank you. I am a Christian, but i agree with you. I want to know why. Even Jesus asked why when He was on the cross. It is safe, to ask God why.

Hello. God is not just Good and All-Powerful. He is also Wise. God, in His Wisdom, has decided to allow mental illness to exist in order to test people. Both good times and bad times are a test from Allah.