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 What the hell is fat free half and half?? (4)

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excon(18261) pic

What the hell is fat free half and half??

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3 points

General answer? Gross.

They take half and half, replace the butterfat and add corn syrup and chemicals to thicken it up and make it "feel" like it should.

2 points

Hello excon:

Half and half is essentially milk which means it's SUPPOSED to be fatty. Your brain is MADE of fat and cholesterol and most people are STUPID not only because they have been brainwashed but also because they lack the necessary nutrients for the brain like fatty acids and iodine. This works well for the capitalists, because this prevents you from questioning the system that molests you and your family in the butt hole.

EvilNom, socialist warrior.

2 points


Half and half is essentially milk which means it's SUPPOSED to be fatty

Yes, essential fats are in fact some of the most important staples to have in one's daily nutrition intake, and is extremely good for you. Generally speaking, the more (good) fats, the better--unless one goes way, way overboard.

1 point

What the hell is fat free half and half??

If the language makes no damn sense, now you know how us normal people feel when SJWs use their new made up language and word police dictionary.