
Debate Info

Debate Score:85
Total Votes:86
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 NBA (42)
 NFL (36)

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iLoveVersace(1098) pic

Which do you prefer? NBA or NFL?

Which do you prefer watching? Basketball or Football? I personally love watching Basketball much more than Football.


Side Score: 46


Side Score: 39
1 point

Basketball for me. I think its more fast going and it is more entertaining to me, but most people like to watch football than basketball.

Side: NBA

Nasty Black Asses? Do they call it that like because, basket ball is a black person's sport? I think that's kinda racist..., but I prefer basketball, because the players appear much more lively than the football players. There's just more action in basketball...

Side: NBA

Nasty Black Asses? Do they call it that like because, basket ball is a black person's sport?

No, it's the National Basketball Association. I don't think they knew you could use the letters N,B, and A to form that. Football is lively as well though.

Side: NBA

Well, thanks for clarifying. :)

Side: NBA
1 point

NBA, because I love basketball and it's my favorite sport to play and watch.

Side: NBA

Did Jesus play basketball?

Side: NBA
1 point

I think you already know the answer to that question. So asking me that kind of question is really stupid of you.

Side: NBA

Not much of a sports fanatic, but I grew up in a predominatley basketball fan based family and I enjoy watching it from time to time, football is ok, but basketball is my preference

Side: NBA
2 points

I'm not much for Basketball. I think it's kind of boring...

Side: NFL
11wolf(679) Clarified
1 point

May I ask why do you think that basketball is boring to you it is very fast pace game

Side: NBA
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

It's fast paced, that's true... but it gets too repetitive.

Side: NBA
2 points

All the NBA players pretend to get hit and spend too much time on the ground trying to draw a foul. Plus, I like the idea that good defense means you run up and hit someone instead of good defense being you going up to a guy and letting him hit you.

Side: NFL
11wolf(679) Clarified
1 point

Really not all players do that.from all the games I have seen no one ever dose that so to you that is a mistaking fact.

Side: NBA
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

See, now we know you are full of crap. In fact you seem to be arguing against yourself. First you say not all players do that, which is admitting that some do. Then you say no one ever does it. Really? Never ever ever? I guarantee that in every NBA game you will see:

A) A player get knocked to the ground.

B) Someone complaining about not getting a foul call.

C) Someone taking a hit to draw the foul.

There is no way that there will be a single game this season that is missing any one of those.

Side: NBA
1 point

Basketball sucks. They score too much... baseball, the opposite, too little... football is just right.

Side: NFL
1 point

What you say is totally true... I whole heartedly agree with you.

Side: NFL
1 point

Oh! Well thank you God, that means a lot...

Side: NFL


Side: NFL