
Debate Info

Oh sure.... that's legit! lol No way
Debate Score:44
Total Votes:44
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 Oh sure.... that's legit! lol (22)
 No way (13)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17753) pic

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Who Believes This is a Real Picture of

Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

Side Score: 28
Winning Side!

No way

Side Score: 16
2 points

. .

. .
Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
2 points

Just as I'm a real flaming kitty?

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

He is positive that I am the user LizziexLaura. I am telling him that I am not.

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
2 points

Oh. Well I don't really care, as long as you're not trolling.

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
1 point

I never said that? So... are you now saying that the pic isn't really you?

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
2 points

I believe!

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
2 points

Thank God ANDY. This whole situation is cray cray. Nice site by the way.

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
1 point

Thank you!

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

I believe anything, it is the internet right.-------------------------

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

Still pretty. Pretty evil looking. JK. Those eyes are mysterious and yea, I doubt it's real. It's about as real as Azra's yea right. What next Santa doesn't exist?

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
1 point

I doubt it's real. It's about as real as Azra's yea right.

They are both real. I know a guy who knows a guy who asked Obama to check into it online. It's them

Side: No way
1 point

it must be hannah pom pom .............. you must be knowing whether it is really you or not

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

There is no way that this is me? Oh my gosh. I am shocked.

Side: No way
Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

What about your girlfriend, Azra? Is that her real picture because she claimed it was?

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

Yep. Wat me to post a debate with us in a picture together? Or would you like me to text her and tell he to change her pic? Which do you prefer?

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
2 points

Hellno why did you use AbbyNestor's profile picture as the debate icon?

Side: No way

Thats what I was wondering. It s a little creepy to be honest that people are so interested in her.

Side: No way
1 point

Because Abby, Lizzie, Hannah, Azra, and crew are all the same person... I know Srom that you will never believe me. That's fine dude. I respect you a lot!

Side: No way
2 points

Because Abby, Lizzie, Hannah, Azra, and crew are all the same person...

Dude. Not cool. Not cool at all. We aren't Lizzie and Abby. That's a whole separate situation. Another thing is that I am not Hannah and Hannah is not me. Also what would I gain from making like 20 accounts? Points? Reputation? Nope. It's not worth it. You are just being weird and idiotic. I don't know why we have to be accused of being fake because we decided to use our real picture. I seriously don't know what your problem is.

Side: No way
1 point

I don't think they are because you can tell the difference between all of those people.

Side: No way
Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Because Abby, Lizzie, Hannah, Azra, and crew are all the same person... I know Srom that you will never believe me. That's fine dude. I respect you a lot! It is wrong to spread rumors without proof.

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol

If they were that'd be the greatest act since... I can't even come up with an actor who'd be in their league. Those are 4 complexly different personalities, all maintained and called forth within seconds of one another. The switch from Abby to Lizzie would be easy for one say one thing, for the other say the opposite. The hard part would be switching to one of the other two from Lizzie or Abby. Just say dude a lot for Azra I guess, but then comes the world view. I guess she's 'stoned' a lot so that's not that complicated, but finally there is Hannah's. I don't quite know it, but it's different than Abby and Lizzie.

Side: No way
Centifolia(1319) Clarified
1 point

You can start a debate about this y,know

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol
1 point

Not cool. This needs to stop. .

Side: No way
1 point

What needs to stop?

Side: No way
Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

People hating on each other. I am sorry and I love you, but damn.

Side: Oh sure.... that's legit! lol