
Debate Info

Jc Srom
Debate Score:71
Total Votes:72
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 Jc (16)
 Srom (28)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17753) pic

Who Blindly Follows Jesus More: Jc/QuestionMan or Srom


Side Score: 25


Side Score: 46
1 point

"Who Blindly Follows Jesus More"

no need to be blind about it . . . shoot, you got a ton of information please be blessed

Side: Jc
4 points

This fool said Christianity is only a relationship with Jesus and in no way a religion. It takes some serious kind of brainwashing to achieve this level of idiocy.

Side: Srom

I doubt JC even is a Christian. He just acts like a really overzealous one to piss people off and get a reaction as he is just an attention seeker.

Side: Srom
3 points

Srom scares me, dont get me wrong I like the dude but I feel if Srom hears voices to kill me, he would.

Side: Srom
1 point

Really Hellno? Really?!

Side: Srom
3 points

Soooo... your answer is you? You answered on this side after all.

Side: Srom
1 point

Why would I not support myself?

Side: Jc
QuestionMan(604) Disputed Banned
1 point

Why the heck am I on here?...................................... How does Questionman blindly follow Jesus?

Side: Srom
1 point

AND in all fairness... Jc and his army of fake accounts have been tucked in for the night so you will prolly win by default.

Side: Srom