
Debate Info

He forgot Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:30
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 He forgot (5)
 Trump can do no wrong (7)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

Why didn't Trump get his wall funded when Republicans ran EVERYTHING? Why blame the libs?

He forgot

Side Score: 8

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 12
2 points

Why blame the libs?

Because the libs obstructed it, and there aren't enough Conservatives to pass it.

Side: He forgot
0 points

Because the libs obstructed it, and there aren't enough Conservatives to pass it.

Why have you used three different accounts to write comments in this debate?

Let me answer that for you. It's because you're a pathetically corrupt piece of shit who lies and cheats with every breath.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Tuyet-Hanh(17) Disputed
0 points

Why have you used three different accounts to write comments in this debate?

Why do you use 4?

Side: He forgot
4 points

Because you have to have 60 votes. That means libs had to vote for it because there weren't 60 Republicans.

"However, the House bill is expected to be dead on arrival in the Senate, where Republicans have only a two-seat majority and any legislation needs 60 votes to move forward."

Ignoring me at all costs today, eh Con?

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

Blind sided.





Side: Trump can do no wrong
0 points

because there weren't 60 Republicans.

Yeah, it's difficult finding 60 people who are that racist. Even in America.

Side: He forgot
ConsPuppet(12) Disputed
1 point

Roses are red,

Here’s something new,

Violets are violet,

Not fucking blue.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Tuyet-Hanh(17) Disputed
-1 points

it's difficult finding 60 people who are that racist. Even in America.

That pretty much killed your "Nazis are everywhere" narrative.

Side: Trump can do no wrong